Apart from meditation, yoga, and different therapies for chakras, herbs are yet another natural way to activate, heal and balance them. Herbs can easily be used as herbal teas or you can include them in your food for faster absorption.
Herbs are readily available in the market at an affordable cost, and you can also grow them in your garden for easy access. They are one of the most effective ways to balance and heal your chakra as you receive instant physical and mental energetic benefits.
Significance of herbs in chakra healing
Herbs are derived from plants that have a specific vibrational frequency. These powerful vibrations can help in energizing, balancing, and cleansing your chakras and auras. The various components of these herbs interact with our body’s energy system and remove accumulated toxins, improve blood circulation and enhance the oxygen flow.
The herbs also affect our psyche through the detoxification process and help us ground as well as connect to the higher consciousness. Using specific herbs that resonate with a chakra will help you achieve a balanced state of mind, spirit and body.
Scientific relevance of herbs in chakra healing
A paper published in 2011 highlighted various therapeutic, antioxidant and antibacterial properties of holy basil, which help in better physical and mental wellbeing.
In another study, the calming aroma of Lavender and Rosemary have been proven to aid in uplifting the mood and cognitive performance in healthy adults.
A review on the scientific basis of the use of Ashwagandha found ‘encouraging results’ of ashwagandha’s therapeutic uses with little to no toxicity.
Hence it is quite safe to say that imbibing herbs in our daily routine will definitely affect chakra functioning. Even though many researchers have found positive effects of herbs on our physical and mental well-being, you should always consult an expert before you start consuming them.
Word of Caution
It is recommended that you consult with your physician or an expert before you decide to use any of the chakra herbs as they can interfere with the working of your medications. Pregnant and breastfeeding ladies or people who are on medication due to some illness of ailment should be especially cautious of this fact.
Let us now discuss the various chakras and the herbs that you can use to balance them.
1. Root Chakra
The root chakra, known as Muladhara in Sanskrit, is the first chakra found at the base of our spine. It is shown by the color red and is responsible for making us feel grounded. The root chakra is the source of our survival instinct and keeps us connected to the earth.
An unbalanced root chakra will show symptoms like attachment issues, disillusionment, lack of self-identity, confusion, insecurity, and fear. You may also lose focus on the purpose of life and feel stagnant. Feelings of anger, resentment, panic, and worry are also some other symptoms that you may face.
On the contrary, a balanced root chakra will make you live in the present moment by connecting you to the earth. By being stable, your vitality and physical strength will improve along with your integrity and self-esteem. You will be stress-free, feel courageous, be more passionate, motivated, confident to take on life’s challenges.
Herbs for Root Chakra

The herbs that are among the most beneficial for a healthy root chakra are
1. Dandelion root – Dandelion is a plant with yellow flowers that grows in many parts of the world. People use the leaves, stem, flower, and root of the dandelion for medicinal purposes.
The dandelion root will help you connect to your body more consciously by easing your frustrations and making you more focused on your path.
This detoxifying herb will cleanse and unblock your root chakra by working with your immune system, kidney, digestive tract and aids in blood circulation.
2. Ashwagandha (Indian Ginseng): Literally translated as the smell of the horse, ancient Indian herb Ashwagandha is known its unique smell and ability to increase strength. Extracts or powder from its root or leaves has chakra cleansing properties. It aids in reducing stress, increases blood flow, and helps in relieving anxiety and depression.
Ashwagandha is a strengthening root that will boost your immune system making it one of the most powerful antioxidants.
Other herbs that can be used: Sage, Ginger, Burdock root, Chives, Frankincense, and Rosemary.
Most root chakra herbs can be used in herbal teas in combination or as stand-alone. Or you can mix them with root vegetables such as carrots, radish, potatoes, parsnips, onions, and garlic. Any combination of root vegetables and herbs will soothe your root chakra and make you grounded.
2. Sacral Chakra
The second chakra is also known as Swadhisthana is responsible for creativity, sexuality, pleasure, emotions, enjoyment, and passion. It is represented by the color orange and is located just below the navel. Sacral chakra has a large impact on our relationships as well as our overall well-being.
An imbalanced sacral chakra can cause you to struggle with your emotions and disconnection from the relationships, substance abuse, sexual imbalances, fear of abandonment, obsessiveness, having control issues, becoming materialistic, overindulgence, and loss of creativity.
Whereas, a balanced sacral chakra will make your life enjoyable. You will feel empowered, creative, fulfilled, and abundant. You will be able to go with the flow with your relationships and life in general. Letting go of your fears and enjoying your life will become easier. With an improved self-identity, you will be able to creatively express yourself.
Herbs for Sacral Chakra

The two most effective herbs for healing the sacral chakra are:
1. Damiana – It has made its name as a potent herbs to cleanse the sacral chakra. Damiana is popular for its aphrodisiac effects however, it will also aid in calming your nervous system, relieving anxiety and depression, and regulating your blood sugar levels
2. Calendula – An easy-to-grow herb, calendula effectively balances your sacral chakra with its bright orange flower. It will enhance your creativity and provide a sense of intimacy and companionship with your partner. Calendula will help activate the sacral chakra and also improve your reproductive system.
Other herbs that can be used: Hibiscus, Gardenia, Raspberry leaf, Ginger, Licorice, Mint, Saffron, Bay leaf, Ylang Ylang
Solar plexus chakra herbs are most effective when consumed as herbal teas however, some of them can be regularly used in your food preparations.
3. Solar Plexus Chakra
It is also known as Manipura in Sanskrit and is located in the area around the stomach area. The third chakra is signified by the color yellow and is responsible for personal power, transformation, confidence, independence, and personal growth.
If your solar plexus chakra is imbalanced, you will experience low self-esteem, egotism/narcissism, lack of focus and motivation, constant negative self-talk, lack of confidence, self-isolation, anxiety, depression, aggression, and anger issues. With low self-confidence and self-worth, you will not be encouraged to grow and change for the better.
Having a balanced solar plexus chakra will improve your confidence to make decisions with clear intent. You will learn to listen to your intuition to guide you towards change and growth. Your enhanced personal power will give you the strength to overcome challenges and move forward with life. You will be able to put the effort into reaching your goals and have harmonious relationships.
Herbs for Solar plexus chakra

The herbs that are among the best suited for this chakra are:
1. Lemongrass – With a taste milder than lemon, it is one of the go-to herbs for cleansing the solar plexus chakra. Lemongrass helps reduce anxiety and depression, detoxifies your body, strengthens your immune system, and refreshes your mind.
The cleansing energy of lemongrass will help you in letting go of the past or things that are not important. Lemongrass can be easily grown in your garden and can be consumed to cleanse and protect the solar plexus chakra.
2. Rosemary – Consuming rosemary can balance your solar plexus chakra by reducing any tension, stress, or anxiety.
It unblocks your chakra and awakens your personal power and team spirit. By helping you gain mental clarity and insight, you will be able to transform yourself from the inside out. Being good for digestion, it is often used while baking savory products, grilling, or roasting.
Other herbs that can be used: Milk Thistle, Chamomile, Ginger, Mint, Lemon balm or Melissa, Fennel root, Marshmallow root
Most of the above herbs are used in food however, drinking them as teas is also beneficial for chakra cleansing.
4. Heart Chakra
The 4th chakra in line, also known as Anahata, is located at the center of the chest. It is represented by the colors green and pink. This chakra is the source of love, compassion, forgiveness, acceptance, kindness, and connection.
When the heart chakra is imbalanced, you will be suspicious, paranoid, jealous, aggressive, cold-hearted, lonely, resentful, and depressed. Feelings of sadness, hatred, possessiveness, melancholy, self-victimization will also be experienced. You will have frequent mood swings and will have trust issues along with a lack of healthy relationships.
A balanced heart chakra will let you see the beauty around you. You have meaningful relationships and will experience unconditional love, joy, and harmony. You will be instilled with gratitude, kindness, forgiveness, compassion, and respect for yourself as well as others. You will neither judge your decisions nor others, making you feel at peace.
Herbs for Heart chakra

The go-to herb that is extremely beneficial for a healthy functioning heart chakra is Hawthorn berry.
Consuming hawthorn berry-infused tea is known to be potent in healing the heart chakra. It clears away any emotional blockage of the heart such as anxiety, and physical blockages such as unstable blood pressure and bad cholesterol.
If you wear a hawthorn berry herb bundle over your heart, you will be guided to focus on the positives of a relationship rather than the differences. It will encourage you to trust your heart, lift your spirits, and support you to love yourself unconditionally.
Other herbs that can be used: Motherwort, Rose, Chamomile, Damiana, Jasmine flowers, Honeysuckle, Lavender, Rooibos, Hibiscus, Orange, Marjoram, Basil, Cilantro
You can create a blend of the above herbs and use them as herbal teas.
5. Throat Chakra
The throat chakra, known as Vishudha in Sanskrit is the 5th chakra that is located at the throat and area around the throat. Represented by the color blue, it is the center for communication, self-expression, truth, trust, creativity, and emotional balance.
With an imbalanced throat chakra, you will struggle with social anxiety, shyness, inability to express yourself, excessive inhibition, dishonesty, and miscommunication in relationships.
You will get a fear of public speaking, lack of self-expression, and feelings of insecurity, shyness, and lack of acceptance may also crop up. Gossiping and aggressive talking will also become a habit that will eventually distance you from people and make you feel not listened to and lonely.
However, with a balanced throat chakra, you will freely speak the truth, and express your ideas, thoughts, and emotions. You will be emotionally balanced and this will help you connect to the higher consciousness. While communicating, there will be a smooth flow and articulation and you will not have the fear of being judged by others.
Herbs for Throat chakra

The most recommended herbs for the throat chakra are:
1. Red Clover: It opens your throat chakra and helps in a free flow of communication. You will be able to voice your thoughts confidently and will be able to improve communication between your close relations.
Red Clover will unlock your emotions or thoughts and aid in improving your self-expression by saying aloud the thoughts that you were unable to say.
2. Slippery Elm: This herb is essentially a tree bark which ground into a fine powder and has a chalky taste. However, when mixed with other herbs, it not only tastes good but also cleanses your throat chakra.
The gel-like substance you get when it is mixed in water is beneficial in curing throat-related issues. You can use it when you want to speak the truth as it will soothe the throat chakra and remove any blockages.
Other herbs that can be used: Lemon balm, Eucalyptus, Coltsfoot, Peppermint, Sage, Clary Sage, Chamomile, Lemongrass, Rosemary, Thyme.
You will find some of the above herbs as ingredients of lozenges or for throat pain reliever tablets. You can also infuse these in warm water and then inhale or simply consuming as herbal teas.
6. Third Eye Chakra
This is the second last chakra and is also known as Ajna in Sanskrit. It is located between the brows and is represented by the colors purple and indigo. This chakra essentially governs intuition, wisdom, intellect, clairvoyance, vision, inspiration, imagination, and awakening.
With an imbalanced third eye chakra, having rigid and limiting beliefs, becoming overly intellectual with a strict emphasis on logic, living in a fantasy world, loss of connection with intuition and lack of self-discipline will be a common occurrence. Feeling of confusion, cynicism, depression, anxiety, ego are other common symptoms.
On the brighter side, a balanced third eye chakra will allow you to be mindful and understand the deeper meaning of life. Your psychic and intuitive abilities will be enhanced and you will be released from any self-limiting beliefs and fears. With increased emotional and spiritual balance, your life will become meaningful.
Herbs for Third eye chakra

Several herbs resonate with the third eye chakra and are extremely effective in healing and balancing the chakra.
1. Passionflower: One of the ideal herbs for third eye chakra, it can be used to treat anxiety, depression, migraines, and insomnia.
2. Eyebright: this herb will help you activate and align your third eye chakra by removing the imbalances.
3. Jasmine: Jasmine will help in uncovering hidden feelings and you will learn to trust your intuitive abilities. It will encourage you to be less judgemental and see both sides of a coin.
4. Holy Basil: Commonly known as Tulsi, it calms and makes the mind resolute. Its refreshing flavor is uplifting and joyful which will remove distractions and help you to focus.
5. Rosemary: By stimulating the third eye chakra, it is known to relieve anxiety, depression, insomnia, lethargy, nervousness, fatigue, exhaustion, and stress.
6. Lemon Balm: Also known as Melissa, it soothes feelings of anxiety and nervousness. Combined with Passionflower, it is a great aid in correcting your sleep pattern or people facing sleep disturbances.
7. Mugwort: It can be used to awaken dreams and enhance intuitive abilities. Your chakra will be cleansed and you will be able to feel the clarity of mind.
Other herbs that can be used: Sage, Mint, Poppy, Spearmint, Dill, Thyme, Lavender
Third eye chakra herbs are incensed during your meditation or yoga sessions. Most of them can easily be consumed as herbal teas or imbibed in food preparations.
7. Crown Chakra
Last but not the least, the 7th chakra is also known as Sahasrara in Sanskrit. It is depicted by the colors violet and white and is located at the crown of your head. The crown chakra connects us to divine energy and focuses on enlightenment, universal identity, awareness, unity, wisdom, and consciousness.
With an imbalanced crown chakra, you will lack a sense of higher purpose in life, not feel connected to others or even to themselves, and feel lost. You are prone to get a destructive personality, become apathetic, be a spiritual cynic or be obsessed with spirituality.
On the contrary, a balanced and well-functioning crown chakra will give you deeper access to the subconscious mind. You will foster a connection with the divine and feel one with everything. Enhanced clairvoyance, visions, and guidance from the spirits will become a common occurrence.
Herbs for Crown chakra

The herbs associated with the crown chakra are also as versatile as the third eye chakra. However, one herb is known to be the healer, cleanser, and balancer of the crown chakra, which is Lavender.
Lavender is one of the most recommended herbs when you want to de-stress from a tiring day. These beautiful violet flowers have a soothing scent that calms your nerves and helps in relieving anxiety and stress, improves mental clarity, and aids in peaceful sleep.
Lavender is a powerhouse of antioxidants that helps our body release toxins, making it an effective cleanser. It aligns your crown chakra and assists in connecting you to the divine. In fact, it can be used to align all your chakras! Use it as a food ingredient, herbal tea, burn as incense or infuse some flowers in candles and soaps.
Other herbs that can be used: Lotus, Myrrh, Clary Sage, Violets, Gotu Kola, Brahmi, Frankincense, Basil, Mint, Rosemary, Lemon Balm, Calendula
Crown chakra herbs can be burned as incense during your meditation and yoga sessions. You can also consume them as herbal teas and by including them in your diet.
While there is a hefty list of herbs that are associated with each chakra, choosing the right one may take some time. However, it is one of the effective ways to bring your chakras in balance. Most of these herbs can be easily costumes as food and infused in teas, which makes them easily accessible and consumable.
These herbs are a great way to align your chakras and connect you with your true self as well as the higher consciousness.
Thank you so much for this! It really does flow together smoothly, I like what you’ve done with the photos leading in to the next herb and chakra as well.
Very Best,