Mudra vigyan: Science of Mudra” is one of the simple but advanced practices of yoga.

As we have discussed ‘what is mudra’ in-depth already; in short, a mudra is a ‘gesture’ or ‘seal’ made using part of hand, eyes, tongue, etc. to channel our bodily energy.

We at Fitsri are conducting a mudra therapy program online in live sessions. If you’re someone looking to learn mudras to treat various physical and mental conditions – or improve overall wellness, then this program is for you.

What is Mudra Therapy?

In mudra therapy, we learn the application of various hand and body gestures to alleviate a range of health problems and ailments. It can be considered a complementary therapy for medical therapy in the treatment of stress, anxiety, depression, and other mood disorders.

Mudra therapy is based on the premise that any physical or mental disorder in the human body is the result of the imbalance of five vital elements; fire, air, ether, earth and water. When we do a mudra, we aim to bring these elements back to a balanced state so that the body’s healing mechanism gets activated.

The five elements of the body are represented by the five fingers and in mudra therapy, we use hand mudras and their variations in different combinations for treatment after identifying the physical/mental symptoms of the disease.

About the workshop

This Mudra Therapy class is comprised of 7 live sessions. It’s designed keeping in mind that you have little prior knowledge and understanding of mudras, and you want to learn so you can practice the methods and techniques of mudras to deal with common conditions.

After completing the program, you will be knowledgeable and confident enough not only to practice your own but also to assist anyone in mudra practice for improving health.

Workshop Highlights

Day 1: Understanding Mudra’s fundamentals and practice guidelines

Learn the true meaning of mudras. Understand the use of various mudras and how to increase their effectiveness by incorporating them with correct posture, breathing and mental intention.

On the first day, you will learn:

  • The fundamentals of yoga mudras: understanding “mudra” meaning in a way that can help you relate how it works on a subtle body level.
  • The working mechanism of mudras, based on the concept of Pancha Tattva and Pranas
  • Different types of mudras used in yoga (hasta mudras, kaya mudras, aadhara mudras, mana mudras etc.)
  • Answering layman’s common queries related to mudras practice
  • Practical session
  • How to prepare yourself before sitting up for mudra practice (posture, breathing, hand and finger exercises)
  • Practice pancha bhoota (five elements) mudras and explanation each mudra’s benefits and use.

Day 2: The pranic energies and their connection with Mudras

Mudras however look merely a gesture on the physical plane, but on the subtle body level, it influences the flow of Prana (vital life force).

On the second day, you will learn:

  • Explanation of five pranas and their connection with mudras
  • Understand the formation of pancha prana mudras by the combination of two or more fingers
  • Practical session
  • Explanation of the benefits and uses of pancha prana mudras for energy balancing and awakening
  • Practice of Prana Mudras such as Vyana Mudra, Apana Mudra, Samana Mudra etc.

Day 3: Balancing the ayurvedic doshas with Mudras

When two or more fingers are combinedly joined with the thumb, it becomes mudra for balancing ayurvedic doshas. Doshas are fundamental bio-energy in our body, therefore, by balancing one can achieve harmonious state of health.

On the third day, you will learn:

  • Explanation of Ayurvedic doshas and different body types
  • The mechanism behind the formation of mudras for doshas
  • Practical session
  • Practice doshas balancing mudras, such as Vyana Mudra, Vata nashak mudra, kaapha karak mudra, Tridosha nashak Mudra etc.
  • Explanation of the benefits and uses of each dosha mudra for physical health and mental peace

Day 4: Energy movement through Chakras and its regulation with Mudras

The energy in our whole body is regulated through Chakras. The very core of Chakras itself is pancha mahabhoota (five elements).

Based on this idea of chakras’ connection with five elements, on the third day, you will learn:

  • Explanation of chakras and their connection with mudras
  • Theory and benefits of chakra mudras
  • Practical session
  • Practice Chakra Mudras, such as Muladhara Mudra, Anahata Mudra, Sahasrara Mudra, etc. with Chakra sounds
  • Explanation of the benefits and uses of each mudra for balancing and harmonizing the chakras

Day 5: Healing the body and mind with Mudras

The healing power of mudras comes from their ability to influence the flow of prana (life force energy) in the body.

On the third day, you will learn:

  • Explanation of different healing mudras and their uses
  • Theory and benefits of using healing mudras
  • Practical session
  • Practice Healing Mudras, such as Varun Mudra, Jnana Mudra, and Vayu Mudra
  • Explain the benefits and uses of each mudra for physical, emotional, and mental well-being

Day 6: Approaching the advanced mudras of yoga

  • Explanation of advanced mudras (which comprises the use of the tongue, eye or whole body movement) and their uses
  • Theory and benefits of advanced mudras
  • Practical session
  • Practice Advanced Mudras, such as Brahma Mudra, Adi Mudra, Shambhavi Mudra, Khechari Mudra, Samadhi Mudra
  • Explain the benefits and uses of each mudra for deeper physical and spiritual benefits

Day 7: Integration and Summary

  • Recap of the entire workshop and learning how to approach mudras for therapeutic purposes in different health conditions.
  • Practical session
  • Integrating all the mudras learned throughout the workshop
  • Practice a sequence of mudras for complete balance and harmony
  • Final thoughts and next steps for further learning and practice.

Mudras we will be covering in this workshop

  • All tattva mudras which constructed using one finger. Mudras such as Akash Mudra, Shunya Mudra, Gyan Mudra, Vayu Mudra, Prithvi Mudra, Surya Mudra, Varun Mudra, Aditi Mudra, etc.
  • Mudras focus on Ayurvedic doshas which are constructed using a combination of over two fingers. Mudras such as Apana Mudra, Apana Vayu Mudra, Vyan Mudra, Vata Nashak Mudra, Prana Mudra, Kapha Nashak Mudra, Meow Mudra, etc.
  • Chakra Mudras with mantras. Mudras such as Muladhara Mudra, Manipura Mudra, Anahata Mudra, etic.
  • An introduction to advanced mudras which comprises the use of the tongue, eye or whole body movement. Mudras such as Shanmukhi Mudra, Adi Mudra, Shambhavi Mudra, etc.

Mudra therapy is effective for which health issues?

Hand mudras are effective in different physical and mental health conditions. When mudras are practised regularly for long enough, they can cure heart problems, diabetes, and insomnia and help manage high blood pressure. Although, some specific mudras are also helpful in pregnancy, weight loss, acidity, thyroid, etc.

There are some advanced mudras as well in yoga which help in strengthening pelvic floor muscles and thus cure piles and erectile dysfunction. For example, Ashwini mudra and vajroli mudra.

You might observe the short-term effects after mudra practice with meditation. It also helps relieve headaches, anxiety, anger, and depression-like mental disorders.

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Meet Program’s Instructor

Ashish, E-RYT 200, YACEP

Ashish is a dedicated lifelong yoga practitioner, having embraced the practice since childhood with a commitment to continue throughout his life. Holding a degree in Computer Science Engineering from GBPIET, Uttarakhand, he combines technical expertise with his passion for yoga. As a certified 200-hour Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher (E-RYT 200) and a Bachelor in Yoga (BSc Yoga) from Uttarakhand Sanskrit University, Ashish brings a unique blend of modern technology and yoga qualifications to his teachings.

Since 2017, he has been sharing his yoga wisdom both offline and online, specializing in Hatha Yoga. Ashish’s classes encompass asanas, pranayama, and meditation, with a particular focus on his expertise in Mudra Vigyan (the science of mudra). His profound knowledge extends to offering personal consultations for Mudra Therapy, a therapeutic practice he passionately advocates. At Fitsri, Ashish has conducted over 50 live Mudra workshops, benefiting more than 500 students with his transformative teachings.

Yogi Sushant, Postgraduate in Yoga Psychology

Sushant is a postgraduate in Yoga Psychology (1997-99), from the World-renowned Bihar School of Yoga and worked as a Lecturer there in the same department for four years.

As a lecturer at Yoga University, Sushant had opportunities to lead practical classes on Hatha and Kundalini Yoga, traditional Meditations and Philosophy talks with specialization in Samkhya, Tantra, Kundalini and Yoga Philosophies.

As featured in

See What Our Past
PARTICIPANTS have to say about US

Melanie Howard-Dobson

FITSRI 7 Day introduction of Mudra the meaning and how they can help you was a very rich and comprehensive deep dive into the wisdom and power of this healing and sacred practice. I really enjoyed our teacher who was extremely patient and clear in presenting so much vital information.
I enjoyed the layers of the chakras energy (nadis) and how everything was built on the next intricate layer of wisdom.

Pria Kamath

Attended the Yoga Mudra workshop. The concepts were explained in great detail and taught in an easy to understand manner. The trainer uses simple analogies to make the lessons more relatable. Loved the contend and the delivery.

Thanks Fitsri for the wonderful workshop 😊

Mavis Urwin

This was an interesting pranayama workshop, with some good information, including the health benefits of following the techniques and the contraindications. It was more of an introduction than offering fresh or more in depth info to more advanced practitioners. Perhaps a little background of the anatomy of breathing would be helpful also. The summaries of each days teaching were helpful.

Shilpa Mehta

The Mudra workshop is very comprehensive teaching all aspects of Mudras in depth. How to practice Mudras in a right manner and in relation to other aspects of our personality like, prana, chakra, kosha, etc. Would highly recommend for holistic learning on Mudras.

Kiran Jalan

Fabulous workshop by Ashish Sir.
I gained in depth knowledge in the work shop.
the experience of mudra work shop is so inspiring that I am going to practice it daily.
Every one must explore and learn mudra from Ashish Sir.

Sankalp Agarwal

I attended the 7-day online mudra workshop organized by Fitsri. I found it very well structured and informative. In 7 days I went from understanding the very basics to a level where I could logically arrive myself at assuming a mudra for a certain goal and explain it’s workings. Our teacher, Ashish, answered all our questions patiently and the best part is that all who attended have a lifetime support for any questions that they might have.
I would highly recommend Fitsri workshops.

Details of the sessions

Date 24th to 30th Sep 2024
Time6:00 pm to 7:30 pm (IST) / 8:30 am to 10:00 am (EST)
MediumZoom live webinar
Classes and availability 7 Sessions, about 90 minutes each.
Recordings are available in case one misses any live sessions or can’t attend a live workshop.
Discounted Workshop Price ₹3999 4999 (Participants registering from India)
$89 129
(Participants registering from outside India)

Book Your Spot

  • All class recordings available to watch later
  • Workshops handouts including mudras list and uses

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Q. What happens when I press ‘Book Your Spot’?

    A. After you press “Book Your Spot” you will be redirected to the payment page. There you will see three payment modes available for Indian and International payments separately. Once you have paid, you will get the details about the online class in your email within a day.

    In case you do not get the email from us within a day, please check your spam folder for an email from Fitsri. Or you can directly email us: contact[at]

    Q. Who can join this Mudra Therapy program? And who shouldn’t?

    A. Mudra Therapy is suitable for almost everyone, irrespective of what health condition one is going through or what level of practitioner (beginner/advanced) one is. if you are a Yoga practitioner, Ayurveda healthcare consultant, healer or believer in the holistic practice of Ayurveda then this program would work wonders for you.

    One would be unable to do hand mudras in real time if there is a hand injury. However, in a therapy program, practices can be tailored according to individual conditions, if any.

    Q. Do I need special equipment for practice?

    A. No, Mudras’ practice necessarily doesn’t require the use of any kind of equipment. However if one has, as equipment keep a meditation cushion, block, and bolster nearby. You may also need a notebook and pen to make your notes.

    Q. Am I supposed to be empty stomach before this online class?

    A. It is recommended that you have taken no food at least 3 hours before a yoga class. Because Mudra practice is not such intense as a pose (asana) class usually is, if you’re hungry, you can have some fruits and smoothies before class.

    Q. Will there be QnA time If I have any questions?

    A. Yes, after each class there will be a QnA time of 15 minutes where you can ask the teacher your questions.

    Q. I have some other queries. How to contact you?

    A. You can contact us directly at contact(at) for any query related to this program.