Tadagi Mudra: Meaning, How to Do, Contraindications, Benefits

Tadagi Mudra

“Tadagi has been derived from the Sanskrit term “tadaga” which means “lake or pond”. While practicing Tadagi mudra, the abdomen assumes the shape of a pot, hence the name.

Holding this mudra involves entire body movement with concentration and breathing practice hence categorized as a postural gesture aka kaya mudra.

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    Sometimes it is also referred to as the “gesture of the pond” or “gesture of the lake.”


    The basic posture involved in the Tadagi mudra is dandasana (staff pose), however, the body in this mudra also shares a close resemblance with paschimottanasana.


    Tadagi mudra involves pulling the abdomen inward molding into a barrel-shape instead of going all the way down to touch the forehead to the knees. Thus, also referred to as the barreled abdomen technique.

    The reference of this mudra is seen in ancient yogic texts like Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Gheranda Samhita, and Shiva Samhita. These show its ritualistic significance as a mudra.

    How to Do Tadagi Mudra

    1. Sit stretching the legs straight in front with feet slightly apart. 
    2. Keep the head and spine erect.
    3. Place your hands on the knees, close your eyes, and relax.
    4. Bend forward to wrap the thumbs, index, and middle fingers to the outside of the feet.
    5. Slightly arch your back by lifting the head and stretching the neck backward.
    6. Now bring the chin to the chest while exhaling.
    7. Hold the breath out and pull the abdominal muscles inward to hollow up the abdomen.
    8. Stay in this mudra molding the abdomen into a shape of a tank or pot for 10-15 seconds.
    9. Then, release the abdomen back to the normal position.
    10. Slowly come back to the initial sitting posture.
    11. Lift the chin off the chest while taking a deep breath in.

    Contraindications and Precautions

    • Avoid holding Tadagi mudra during pregnancy.
    • People suffering from a hernia or prolapse should not try this mudra.
    • Do not exert any strain on the lungs while holding the breath inside.
    • Keep the body relaxed, especially the trunk region.
    • You can release the toes between breaths to adjust for practicing this mudra comfortably.

    Duration and Awareness Points

    • For getting maximum benefits from Tadagi mudra, practice at least 3-5 rounds.
    • With time one can hold the mudra for up to three minutes.
    • Stay focused while breathing and draw your awareness towards the abdomen and on Manipura (Solar plexus) chakra.


    There is a slightly easier version of Tadagi mudra available. This is performed by lying down in the supine pose known as sulabh tadagi mudra (easy tadagi mudra).

    Steps to perform sulabh tadagi mudra (easy tadagi mudra);

    • Lie down on your back folding the legs at the knees.
    • Take a deep breath in and exhale completely.
    • Retain the breath outside (kumbhaka) and close your nostrils with the right hand.
    • Expand your rib cage sucking the belly inward. 
    • Hold the gesture as long as possible.
    • Now, relax the ribcage back to normal and then inhale.
    • Breathe normally 3-7 times.

    Benefits of Tadagi Mudra

    1. Tones the abdomen – Expanding, pulling, and relaxing the abdominal muscles while practicing Tadagi mudra improves blood circulation in the abdomen. It stimulates the abdominal muscles and internal organs. Thus, it is beneficial in toning the abdominal muscles.

    2. Relieves physical stress – Performing this mudra stimulates the diaphragm and pelvic floor muscles. It releases any trapped tensions in this area and provides relieving effects.

    3. Stimulates visceral plexus – Tadagi mudra is beneficial to stretch and stimulate the visceral region. This provides toning effects on nerve plexuses in the visceral region.

    4. Activates Manipura chakra – The trunk of the body feels the pressure as Tadagi mudra stretches the diaphragm and pelvic floor. This activates the center of energy distribution, the solar plexus (Manipura chakra). This also uplifts the level of flow of prana.

    5. Improves digestion – Tadagi mudra helps relieve all the stomach-related issues. It stimulates digestive juices, enzymes, and hormones. This helps in facilitating digestion that helps ultimately in eliminating major health issues.

    6. Reduces obesity – People usually include tadagi mudra into their routine in order to get rid of excess fat and achieve a toned body. This mudra is helpful to get rid of a flabby belly and serves as a panacea for getting a flat tummy.

    7. Improves respiratory system – Tadagi mudra is a kaya mudra that involves conscious breathing techniques. It is a gentle exercise for the respiratory organs, especially for the lungs. Therefore, it also improves the efficiency of the respiratory system.


    Practice Tadagi mudra pose and its variation for better health, physique, and attract that unavoidable attention from others.

    Practicing this kaya mudra provides incredible benefits to the overall health especially targeting the stomach, intestines, and lungs.


    1. AP. ravichandran June 4, 2024
    2. Uma Ravishankar March 21, 2022

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