Brahma Mudra: The Gesture of God of Creation

Brahma mudra
Hands arrangement in Brahma mudra. Source: Shutterstock

According to Hindu scriptures, Brahma is said to be the creator God of the universe. He did this using five elements air, fire, ether, earth, and water. An aggregated form of these elements in a human body is called Pancha Mahabhutas, which further represented by 5 fingers.

Different hand gestures also known as mudras in yoga are dedicated to balancing the optimum proportion of each vital element. Brahma mudra is one such yoga mudra that balances all 5 elements simultaneously relieves neck and upper back pain.

    Mudras: The Yoga of The Hands

    Know mudras for various health conditions and wellness

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    Brahma Mudra

    Brahma mudra is a combination of two types of yoga mudras, Hasta (hand) mudra & Manas (Head) mudra.

    1. Hasta mudra in the sense of involving hands and fingers similar to adi mudra.
    2. Manas mudra in the sense of involving rotary movements of the head.

    By combining synchronized movements of hands & head, Brahma mudra is incorporated in pranayama breathing & meditation techniques. Brahma mudra is a complete healing therapy for the eyes, neck, mind, spine, throat, shoulders, and hypothalamus & thyroid glands situated in the throat chakra.


    Brahma mudra is also called “Poorna mudra“, Poorna means full or complete. It’s so said because it helps in expelling complete abdomen air out at exhalation. Actually, in Brahma mudra, fist made using both hands are pressed against Manipura chakra (or navel), and by this pressing action extra gases from abdomen releases easily. On complete or deep exhalation naturally deep inhalation comes, and thus this hand gesture is also known as Poorna mudra.

    Philosophy of Performing Brahma Mudra

    4 Heads of Bhrama (One invisible). Source:

    The Hindu God Brahma is said to have four heads (one invisible). These 4 heads are a representation of observing everything in 4 directions, North-East-West-South.

    In Brahma Mudra, the practitioner moves the head in all 4 directions while producing the “Beeja” sounds (seed sounds) with exhalation. The 4 seed sounds are aaa, uuu, eee, and mmm which when combined together make the vibration of OM, the sound of the universe.

    Hence, movement of the head in Brahma mudra has 2 aspects:

    1. Psychological aspect – By making movements in all 4 directions in Brahma mudra, the practitioner emulates Brahma’s quality of seeing, hearing & witnessing everything happening around him.
    2. Physical aspect – These Beeja sounds are healing vibrations that align the mind and body. This combined movement of hand, neck, and sound brings the practitioner to a very calm and centered place within.

    Significance of Brahma Mudra

    • This mudra brings the movement of Prana in the entire body just like Lord Brahma gave Prana to the entire universe as he is the creator of the universe.
    • Performing this mudra consistently vitalizes the higher chakras of the body which are heart chakra, throat chakra, third eye chakra, and crown chakra.
    • This is a powerful gesture as it cures the mind & body, and uplifts the spirit. It gives divine energy to the body making it capable of creating anything it desires just like Lord Brahma.
    • This meditative mudra takes one to a higher level of consciousness and makes one aware of their divine purpose in life.

    How to Do Brahma Mudra

    To perform Brahma Mudra you should sit in an open and calm place. If you’re okay to sit on the floor, begin with sitting in a comfortable posture such as Sukhasana (simple pose), Padmasana (lotus pose), or Vajrasana (thunderbolt pose). Otherwise, one can sit on a chair.

    Relax your hands over your thighs, close your eyes, and center your attention towards your erect spine. First, we will do hand gesture part of this mudra:

    1. Touch both thumbs to the base of the little finger of both the hands. Now close the fist of both the hands, completely wrapping all the fingers around the thumb.
    2. While fist facing upwards make sure knuckles of your right hand is touching and adjacent to the knuckle of your left hands.
    3. Now on maintaining hands & fist arrangement, bring both fist near your navel.
    4. As you exhale, press fist against abdomen to addon in your exhalation.
    5. On the inhalation, relax the abdomen and let it freely expand out.

    On maintaining the same hand gesture, the next part of the mudra begins:

    1. Take your head towards the right slowly to the count of five 1- 2- 3- 4- 5. Try to align your neck parallel to your right shoulder. Breathe in and let the breath out while making the sound “aaa”. While making the sound “aaa” come back slowly to the center position with the count of five. Do not jerk your neck. Be constant and slow in this meditative movement. Keep your eyes closed. Breathe in and exhale slowly.
    2. Now slowly turn your head towards the left in the same manner as described above while making the sound “Ooo”.
    3. Now take your head up with the count of five. Feel your neck stretch. Breathe in and make the sound ‘Eeeee” and bring your neck back to the central position slowly to the count of five.
    4. Lastly lower your head, with the count of five, pointing your chin down. Feel the back of your neck stretch. Slowly breathe out & bring your neck to the center position making the sound “mmmm”.

    Repeat this set 5 to 9 times in each sitting:

    (1) center to right with sound “Aaa” (2) center to left with the sound “Ooo” (3) center to your head upwards “Eee” and (4) center to chin down with sound “Mmm”.

    At the end of each round, feel a cumulative sound (“OM”) producing in your head region. While making the “Beeja sounds”, please concentrate on your neck and spine.

    Additional Gear

    Brahma Mudra has all the “Beeja sounds” so has the Brahma Mantra.

    At the end of your sitting, you can chant the following Brahma Mantra while maintaining hands Brahma mudra.

    Om Aim Hrim Shrim Klim Sauh Sat Chit Ekam Brahma

    One Response

    1. Sneha June 21, 2021

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