Sacral Chakra (Svadhishthana): Meaning, Location, and Symptoms of Blocked / Balance

Sacral chakra or swadhisthana chakra

The Sacral Chakra at a Glance

Sanskrit NameMeaningSvadhishthana – dwelling place of self
LocationTwo inches below the navel
Seed MantraVAM
CharacteristicsCreativity, Relationships, and Sexuality
Symptoms of balanceFreedom of expression, energy for creativity, desire, movement, and pleasure.
Symptoms of blockedFeelings of fear, depression, emotional instability, loss of imagination, sexual dysfunction, reproductive issues, and addiction.
Healing crystalCarnelian, Amber, Orange Moonstone, Goldstone.
sacral chakra in a glance
Image: Fitsri

The sacral chakra is the 2nd of 7 major chakras. It lies in line with the spinal cord between the coccyx and the sacrum. This chakra is concerned about all the experiences and karmas we get involved in as being a conscious person on this earth.

In chakras evolution, after we grew up from the physical-emotional needs of survival and self-preservation of the first chakra Muladhara, the second chakra is where Prana (life force) gets activated and we start experiencing the world consciously. The Muladhara is an unconscious state of our existence whereas in the second chakra we become conscious experiencer of the world.

Svadhishthana meaning

Svadhishthana is the Sanskrit name of Sacral chakra. Sva means “Self” and adhishthana means “rule” or “dwelling place”. On combining root terms Svadhishthana literally means “place of self” or “place where self rules”.

This meaning shows Svadhishthana chakra makes one aware of their identity which is explored by an individual’s creativity, emotions, desire, pleasure-seeking karmas, etc. In this context, the second chakra is called “Seat of Life”. It’s also known by other names as spleen chakra, splenic chakra, and orange chakra.


When we start building our fantasy world with the help of mental and intellectual faculties, understand that second chakra energy is dominated within us.

Mostly in boys, this chakra energy dominant between 7-14, and in girls, the 6-12 age.

Sacral chakra location and associated organs

The sacral chakra is in the lower abdomen, centered between the navel and the genitals. The exact location of it however is described as two finger-width above the first chakra (tailbone) or about four fingers below the navel.

This location corresponds anterior to the Sacrum or exactly below the 5th lumbar vertebrae in our spine. In front-view, it corresponds to the area above the pubic bone. The sacral chakra, in this way, is attached to the ovaries in females or testicles in males. All pelvic floor muscles are considered the area of the root chakra and sacral chakra combindely.

As sacral chakra is located just below the pubic area; sexual organs ovaries/testicles, bladder, bowel, and lower intestine are associated with it. Along with that, sacral chakra’s characteristics of being creative, playful, and passionate about life come from its association with the adrenal glands located above both kidneys.


Orange color significance

The sacral chakra exudes a feeling of warmth and excitement. Hence it makes perfect sense that the color of this chakra is orange.

The effect of the orange tone in the body’s feelings is identified with sexuality, imagination, want, the conceptual framework, sympathy, and numerous others.

The Symbol

Sacral chakra symbol

The symbol of the sacral chakra is composed of six lotus petals around two concentric circles which create a crescent moon shape.

Six lotus petals represent 6 vrittis (modes of consciousness): anger, envy, hatred, cruelty, pride, and desire. These vrittis are the cause we are tied up with the cycle of birth & death. In sacral chakra, one can break this cycle and raise the consciousness level through conscious efforts.

The circle in the center is the representation of the water element present in our body. Apart from water, the upturned crescent moon is also an important symbol of Svadhishthana. It represents the female energy and establishes a link with the subconscious.

The energy frequency and seed mantra

Being second in the order, sacral chakra consists of a higher energy level than root chakra. At the balanced state, this Chakra vibrates at 288 Hz frequency.

“Vam” is the seed sound (Bija Mantra) that resonates with the Sacral Chakra. This sound is considered a healing chant in case you face experience the disturbance of Sacral Chakra.

Characteristics of sacral chakra

sacral chakra characteristics
Image: Canva
  • Emotions: The sacral chakra energy connects with the feelings and emotions of an individual.
  • Joy: Motivated by joy and bliss, the sacral chakra is answerable for your satisfaction in life through the senses. It makes the establishment for passionate prosperity. 
  • Creativity: The sacral chakra assists with comprehension and fosters private associations with others. 
  • Passion: The sacral chakra stirs the innovative articulation, permitting the investigation of groundbreaking thoughts and invigorates the creative mind. 
  • Enthusiasm: The sacral chakra’s energy permits finding and investigating what a person is enthusiastic about. This enthusiasm allows one to enjoy life.

How to know if the sacral chakra is balanced?

A balanced Sacral Chakra houses creativity, healthy relationship, and sexuality. It is openness to the surroundings. The signs of a balanced sacral chakra are:

  • Creativeness: The Sacral Chakra’s fundamental center permits the person to find what they appreciate, shape pastimes, and make adoring and energizing connections.
  •  Helps to identify personal identity: The Second Chakra focuses on the individual role in the outside world and how it reacts to the alluring powers of the actual world.
  • Financially stable: The Svadhisthana is the establishment of a sound conscience that permits us to associate with the world without undercutting ourselves or claiming to be somebody else. Individuals with a solid Second Chakra can endure monetarily and indeed on their own and bond with others to form a good friendship. 
  • Can face challenges: A decent Second Chakra can face challenges and have the strength to recuperate when things turn out badly.

How to identify when the sacral chakra is imbalanced?

The imbalance in the sacral chakra can weaken it. Discouragement, being excessively delicate, encountering nervousness would all be able to be indications of the unaligned sacral chakra. The dread of letting go in a relationship with enthusiastic or over-the-top conduct is an indication of an imbalance in Sacral Chakra. It likewise influences the association with natural things like work and profession.

You can identify imbalance in sacral chakra in two ways – underactive or blocked state and overactive state.

1. Blocked / underactive sacral chakra

When the sacral chakra is blocked, it makes feel an absence of control. It goes from vulnerability to an inability to adapt to life’s progressions. The way to unreservedly express desires also impedes creative capacities. Additionally, being reliant or mutually dependent on others makes a mental unevenness causing separation from oneself.

2. Overactive sacral chakra

An overactive Sacral Chakra distributes too much energy throughout the body. Since Sacral Chakra oversees feelings, overactive chakra makes a mind-boggling feeling. Encountering feelings more profoundly and outrageous emotional episodes show an extremely touchy nature. The sensation of disappointment with life can bring habit-forming practices given continually attempting to satisfy yourself with outside things.

Problems caused by imbalanced sacral chakra

When sacral chakra is blocked, physically you start experiencing back pain, dysfunction in reproductive organs, sudden pain in the lower abdomen, kidney troubles and urinary problems. The premenstrual condition can likewise be an aftereffect of an unbalanced sacral chakra.

Psychologically, a person with imbalanced sacral chakra may have guilt feeling about sex, confusion about own feelings, excessive emotions, obsession, emotional dependency, and addictive behaviour.

How to balance sacral chakra?

balancing sacral chakra
Image: Canva

You can follow the following practices if you are facing any imbalance in your sacral chakra.

1. Meditate on orange color

While meditating, sit with averting your energy towards the central part of your lower abdomen. Since each of the seven chakras is associated with a different color, for the sacral chakra, imagine an orange color shade around your lower abdomen.

Considering that in whatever you do, your motive is to bring yourself peace and inner joy. Meditate by relaxing, not focusing; focusing means, you are stressing about something.

2. Chant Seed Mantra “Vam”

Frequently chanting the seed sound “Vam” while meditating helps you vitalize the state of your Sacral Chakra. This Seed Sound (Bija Mantra) is directly associated with the frequency of the Second Chakra.

Continuous chants of this Mantra help you vitalize your sexuality, creativity, and encourages you to participate in pleasure activities. You directly influence the functions of Sacral Chakra by reciting this Seed Sound aloud and internally.

3. Mudras to Activate Sacral Chakra

Mudras in yoga are simplest exercise to redirects the blocked energy chakra within the body.

Shakti mudra and ushas mudra help balance the sacral chakra. These Mudras (Hand Gestures) stabilize the imbalance caused by several factors. Usha Mudra pacifies creativity and sexuality. Shakti Mudra is practiced to enhance your physical and mental wellbeing hence focusing on inner strength.

Now combine Meditation, Mudra, and Chant along the Mantra to see you transform.

4. Practice hip opening yoga poses

Hip opening yoga poses can help alleviate physical problems caused by the imbalance of sacral chakra. Yoga poses to balance sacral chakra are upavistha konasana, goddess pose, mandukasana, pigeon pose, and triangle pose.

5. Stones for sacral chakra

In a deficient or hyperactive state of your Sacral Chakra, wear Orange Calcite, as it is directly associated with your sexual energy and playfulness.

Carnelian Stone is helps boost your creativity, compassion, and gives you courage. Citrine also possesses the same characteristics as that of carnelian stone and contains cleansing qualities to prevent blockage of Sacral Chakra.

You can wear Moonstone for its soothing and emerging properties in the case of hyperactive state and underactive of Second Chakra.

6. Food to balance

Since the Wheel depicts the second element, water and is orange in colour, feed yourself watery vegetables, like watermelons, muskmelons, cucumber, Pine Apples, Oranges, Mangoes, etc. Try Cinnamon, Vanilla, and sesame seeds for spices to tune up your abdomen and neighbouring parts.

Affirmations to Vitalise imbalanced Sacral Chakra

In the end, speak these affirmations as a reminder to yourself:

  • I value my body
  • I am peaceful inside and outside
  • I feel compassion and pleasure
  • I embrace my sexuality
  • I am creative and full of desires
  • I allow myself to connect indifferently
  • Every relationship is full of joy.
  • I stay connected with my feelings.


If you haven’t been to any water sighting, do it now because that is what disturbs your Sacral Chakra. Most likely, lack of water in your body leads to urinary and bladder-related troubles, ultimately misaligning the second chakra. Taking a walk to the riverside, seashore, or a lake will help you indeed.

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