Vayu Mudra (Air Gesture): How To Do, Benefits & Precautions

vayu mudra
Image Source: Shutterstock

Vayu, or air, is one of the five fundamental elements that form our body and mind. According to Ayurveda, maintaining a balance among these elements is essential for a healthy, vibrant life. Practicing Vayu Mudra can help regulate the air element in our body.

What is Vayu Mudra?

Vayu Mudra is a yoga hand gesture designed to balance the air element within the body. It can be easily achieved by folding index finger and pressing it at the base of the thumb. Further, extend the rest of the fingers.

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    The air element in our body is helpful in managing the different types of pain like rheumatic arthritis, sciatica, etc, and various psychological disorders. Problems concerned with the imbalance of the Air element can be easily alleviated by practicing Vayu Mudra.

    However, ancient yogis with the condition regarding gas used to perform this Mudra as a remedy. Therefore, one can become healthy or free from gastric disorders by the introduction of this ancient yoga practice in his/her day to day schedule.


    Significance of Vayu Mudra

    The term “Vayu Mudra” originates from ancient Sanskrit, where “Vayu” means air and “Mudra” means gesture. According to Ayurveda, the air element is associated with the Vata dosha in our body.

    It is said that the thumb finger is the seat for the fire element and the index finger is for the air element. Therefore, as the index finger is pressed under the thumb finger, fire overpowers the air elements by its suppression.

    Vayu Mudra is particularly beneficial for conditions related to excess gas, bloating, and flatulence. By balancing the air element, it can also promote hair growth by strengthening hair roots.

    yoga mudras for hair growth
    Image: Fitsri

    Ayurveda also said, our body is comprised of the 49 Vayus of which 5 are vital and 5 are subsidiary. All of which have their own specific function. Vayu mudra guides the flow of prana to balance the air element in the body.


    However, an individual can practice it with meditation or pranayama technique for better results. It also helps in creating a balance within the Nadis (subtle energy channels) to maintains the air influx and efflux.

    How To Do Vayu Mudra

    vayu mudra finger arrangement
    Image Source: Shutterstock

    Vayu Mudra is one of the easiest mudras to perform, involving the movement of almost all the fingers, with the main focus remaining on the index and thumb fingers.

    You can perform Vayu Mudra by touching your index finger to the base of the thumb and gently pressing it with the thumb.

    However, to practice this mudra for a meditation session, follow the below steps;

    • Sit comfortably in a posture such as Sukhasana, Vajrasana, or Padmasana.
    • Close your eyes and take deep breaths to stimulate prana flow.
    • Place your palms facing upwards. Fold your index finger to touch the base of the thumb, pressing it gently with the thumb.
    • However, your index finger might hurt a bit for a while but after some time it will find its way to remain disciplined in the Vayu mudra. After that, extend the rest of the fingers as much as possible.
    • Now, without disturbing the gesture, place your hands on both of your thighs. From here, maintain the steady, calm breathing with OM chanting to add spiritual awareness into your practice.

    Note: The only difference between the finger arrangement of Vayu mudra & Gyan mudra is that here we touch index finger at the base of thumb & in Gyan mudra, we touch at the tip of the thumb.


    To maximize the benefits of Vayu Mudra, keep these precautions in mind:

    • To maximize the benefits of Vayu Mudra, keep these precautions in mind:
    • Avoid tight clothing.
    • Prefer open, airy spaces over closed environments.
    • Turn off electronic devices during practice.
    • Do not overbend your index finger or apply excessive pressure with the thumb.
    • Keep your back straight to facilitate prana flow.

    Vayu Mudra Benefits

    1. Vayu Mudra Reduces Parkinson Disease Symptoms

    Practicing Vayu Mudra helps recover damaged nerve cells and regenerate dead ones, which can be beneficial for individuals with Parkinson’s disease.

    Parkinson’s disease is associated with the loss of nerve cells in the substantia nigra, a part of the brain responsible for producing dopamine. Dopamine is a crucial neurotransmitter that regulates brain activity. When nerve cells are damaged, dopamine levels decrease, leading to abnormal brain function.

    2. Stimulates Endocrine Glands

    Improper growth, disturbed metabolism, sexual immaturity, masculinity in females, and femininity in males are all problems associated with a malfunctioning endocrine system. If left untreated, these issues can permanently alter the body.

    However, Vayu Mudra directs the flow of subtle energy toward the brain. This induces reflex responses that activate the glands’ head, known as the Hypothalamus. Consequently, it further stimulates the endocrine system.

    3. Vayu Mudra Overcome Gastric Problems

    Vayu Mudra, also known as the Mudra of Air, is specifically associated with addressing issues related to gas.

    The practice of this mudra stimulates the area of the brain associated with the Vagus nerve. This, in turn, controls and regulates the Vata (Air) Doshas, including flatulence, indigestion, acid reflux, and more. Therefore, Vayu Mudra effectively relieves gastric problems.

    4. Builds Immunity

    Getting infected easily or having cold or flu occasionally is a sign of a weak immune system. This could invite a serious or even life-threatening condition if it remains untreated for a long time.

    According to Ayurveda, the index finger possess some pressure points which when gently touched induces an energetic wave in the body. This strengthens or prepares the member (antibodies, B & T-lymphocytes, WBC’s, Lymphatic system, etc) of the immune system for an emergency. Ultimately build up immunity in the long run.

    5. Recovers Peace of Mind

    Modern lifestyle has lost the charm of living. Everyone is busy and restless, preoccupied with personal matters, official work, materialistic mindsets, electronic gadgets, or in their own mental asylum. This has led to an outbreak of stress and sorrow in the lives of many.

    However, practicing Vayu Mudra in meditation or pranayama could replenish and restore the true treasures of life: happiness and peace of mind.


    1. Kamal May 24, 2023
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