Surabhi Mudra (Wish-Fulfilling Gesture): How to Do, Types, Benefits

surabhi mudra
Image Source: canva

Surabhi Mudra, also known as the Wish-Fulfilling Gesture or Tridosha Nashak Mudra, is a powerful hand gesture in the practice of yoga. It is revered for its ability to balance the body’s elements, stimulate creativity, and help manifest desires. Rooted in ancient traditions and mythology, this mudra not only has significant therapeutic benefits but also connects the practitioner to a deeper state of consciousness.

By integrating this practice into daily life, individuals can experience significant positive changes and personal transformation.

Surabhi: The Daughter of Kamadhenu Cow

According to Hindu Puranas, Kamadhenu is a miraculous cow that has the power to fulfill the desires one wishes for. She has a daughter name Surabhi and like her mother, she got the divine power of wish-fulfilling.

Surabhi is actually a synonym of a cow. Our fingers make the shape like a cow’s udder when we performed this mudra, so it’s called the cow mudra, dhenu mudra, or kamadhenu mudra.

Meditating on udder like fingers in this mudra helps the unconscious mind to observe its own fickleness. Once it settles down, the only thing remains is our sakama practice. A sakama practice is when we have a particular desire in the heart while practicing.

How to Do Surabhi Mudra

  1. Choose a comfortable sitting posture, either simple Padmasana or Vajrasana works best for this mudra.
  2. To begin Surabhi Mudra; bring your hands at the chest level and do Namaste while hands are separated.
  3. Move the ring finger of the left hand towards the little finger of the right hand and then take your right little finger over this to touch the little left finger.
  4. Then move your left index finger to touch the tip of the right middle finger and taking over this, move left middle finger to touch the right index finger.
  5. Adjust fingers little up and down to hold them touch properly.
  6. keep both the thumbs spread apart pointing toward the heart and this whole arrangement of fingers pointing up towards the sky.
  7. Hold the mudra and meditate on fingers for at least 1 to 2 minutes. Chanting the Gayatri mantra in this mudra further increases its working efficiency.

Holding fingers in this mudra may look daunting but it comes easily with slow and consistent practice. One can try;

  • One can bend fingers, in the beginning, to make proper contact in between cross fingers while doing Surabhi mudra
  • If your hands tremble while practicing it then open & close your fist, expand & contract fingers for serval times would help
  • Going slowly and following instructions in the same manner as described in step 3rd and 4th would help in making a good grip between fingers.

Few Points to Check

These precautions should taken while performing Surabhi mudra;

  • The thumb should remain untouched – While performing Surabhi mudra especially, one should be careful that the thumb should not touch the root of any of the fingers.
    This is because when this happens, the impact of the element will enhance and this might reduce the benefits which the seeker would have otherwise achieved.
  • If you are a beginner then you must start practicing this mudra with a lower time limit. Till the coordination is established between the organ systems, you should do this yoga mudra for only a few minutes.

How Does Surabhi Mudra Work?

5 elements in fingertips

In Surabhi Mudra, the index finger (Air element) meets the middle finger (Ether element). This position brings the highest chakra at the center of the head in balance and mentally gives a soothing sensation. Furthermore, the ring finger (Earth element) touches the tip of the little finger (water element). This position helps in enhancing creative powers.

As per Swami Purna Chaitanya Surabhi, a direct disciple of Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi
Shankar, Surabhi mudra is a therapeutic gesture which helps in balancing all the elements. It helps in solving the issues related to Kapha, Vata, and Pitta. This is why Surabhi Mudra is also known as Tridosha Nashak Mudra, a destroyer of three doshas Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.

Surabhi Mudra also stimulate the endocrine gland and flush out the toxins from the body. Due to the secretion of endocrine hormones, It helps in attaining ultimate happiness, peace, and creativity.

Also Read: Yoga Mudras for Balancing Doshas


Based on the thumbs arrangement under different fingers, Surabhi can practice in its 4 variation types.

  1. Vayu Surabhi Mudra – Vayu Surabhi Mudra helps in solving the health issues that relate to Vayu problems in the body. In this, the thumb tips touch the base of the index finger.
  2. Shunya Surabhi Mudra: In this variation, there is the involvement of the Akasha element and hence it would lead to a calm mind. In this mudra, the tips of the thumbs touch the base of the middle finger.
  3. Prithvi Surabhi Mudra: Since the Prithvi element is involved, there is a reduction of cough and good digestion. In this, the tips of the thumb touch the base of the ring finger.
  4. Jal Surabhi Mudra: This mudra brings in a cooling sensation to the body. In this, the tips of the thumb touch the base of the little finger.

Surabhi Mudra Benefits

  • Surabhi Mudra is the most powerful gesture for Navel chakra or for the persons having constipation, ulcers, and diabetes issues. This mudra balances excessive or suppressive energy of this chakra and creates vitality in it.
  • As one element combines in this mudra with a different element, it magnifies and multiplies their powers. In Kundalini awakening, this power strengthens the body and mind to withstand rising kundalini and breaks energy knots (if any).
  • Since the regular practice of this mudra helps in enhancing creativity, it increases the positive energy within the seekers and thus helps them to make their wishes get fulfilled.
  • Surabhi Mudra also helps in relieving gas and acidity troubles because it activates the excretory system.
  • As all the five elements (Pancha tattvas) combines in some way in this mudra, it takes care of the hormone system, gland system, and also balance in the Pancha tatva.
  • Surabhi mudra with the Gayatri mantra creates a meditative environment that improves the ‘Aura’ of the body.
  • As Surabhi mudra directly related to third eye chakra, it enhances the memory and concentration power of the seeker.

Precautions and Contraindications

While Surabhi Mudra offers numerous benefits, it is essential to practice it correctly to avoid imbalances:

  • Correct Procedure: Follow the precise steps to ensure proper alignment and avoid enhancing certain elements excessively.
  • Thumb Position: Ensure that thumbs do not touch each other or the base of the fingers to maximize benefits.
  • Gradual Practice: Start with short durations and gradually increase the time as coordination improves.

Time and Duration for Practicing Surabhi Mudra

To gain the most benefits from Surabhi Mudra, it is important to practice it regularly and at the appropriate times.

Recommended Times for Practice

  • Morning: Practicing in the morning sets a positive tone for the day, enhancing creativity and focus.
  • Evening: Practicing in the evening calms the mind and prepares you for restful sleep.


  • Beginner: Start with holding the mudra for 1-2 minutes. This helps your fingers and mind get accustomed to the gesture.
  • Intermediate: Gradually increase the duration to 5-10 minutes per session as you become more comfortable.
  • Advanced: Aim to hold the mudra for up to 15 minutes per session. For optimal benefits, practice three times a day.


Surabhi Mudra is a transformative practice that offers profound benefits for mind, body, and spirit. By incorporating this powerful mudra into your daily routine, you can unlock the potential for wish fulfillment, creativity, and personal transformation. Embrace the ancient wisdom of Surabhi Mudra and experience the positive changes it brings to your life.


  1. Ravichandran.Ap March 12, 2023
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