Hakini Mudra: Meaning, Steps & Benefits

Hakini Mudra
© Fitsri

Hakini Mudra is a yoga hand gesture named after the goddess Hakini. Her immense power, symbolized by a thunderbolt, is centered at the third-eye chakra, located between the eyebrows.

Due to its direct association with the third-eye chakra, practicing Hakini Mudra is considered one of the best ways to enhance brain power. It is often referred to as the mudra of the mind and wisdom. This power, known as Hakini Shakti, is believed to channel the goddess Hakini’s energy, uplifting and sharpening mental faculties.

    Mudras: The Yoga of The Hands

    Know mudras for various health conditions and wellness

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    Meaning & Interpretation

    According to an ancient tantric text Yoginihrdaya, Hakini is one of the 7 goddesses named Amrtananda, Dakini, Rakini, Lakini, Kakini, Sakini, and Hakini. These 7 goddesses are considered fundamentals to support the basic structure of the body i.e. skin, blood, flesh, fat, marrow, bone, and semen (collectively called Dhatus in Ayurveda). Although, other texts also interpret Hakini as a powerful female demon.

    Hakini constituents flesh in the body. This makes Hakini mudra lubricates joints, moisturizes the skin, and maintains immunity.


    How to Do Hakini Mudra(Steps)

    hands of hakini mudra
    Source: shutterstock
    • Begin with any comfortable seated posture Padmasana (Lotus Pose), Vajrasana (Thunderbolt Pose), Sukhasana (Easy Pose), Respectively.
    • Now relax and close your eyes and roll them up to set over the third eye chakra as a gaze.
    • Breath slowly and continuously. By removing the outer world from the consciousness set it on to the breath. Feel it throughout the practice.
    • Now, bring your hands on knees or thighs in a way that both palms facing upward.
    • Slowly lift both hands at the chest level facing each other and try to touch the tips of fingers gently over their counterpart.
    • While maintaining the gaze on the third eye. Place your tongue at the soft palate or the roof of the mouth (khechari mudra). Breathe in to touch the palate and release on breathe out, respectively.
    • The length of the time period of inhaling and exhale should match each other.
    • Perform this mudra while chanting OM in your mind and remove all the unnecessary thoughts.
    • Practice Hakini Mudra regularly from 30 to 45 minutes. Beginners can do this as per their comfort of sitting long.

    Time & Duration

    1. Practice whenever you feel nervous to boost your confidence.
    2. You can perform this mudra while walking, talking, sitting, or lying down.
    3. Morning is the ideal time, especially between 4 am and 6 am, for optimal concentration.
    4. Aim for 30-45 minutes daily, either in one session or in shorter intervals of 10-15 minutes.

    Hakini Mudra for Brain

    How hakini mudra impacts our brain can be understood using the involvement of fingers in this mudra.

    As hakini Mudra involves the attachment of the five fingers of both hands. These five fingers are the seat of the five elements:

    5 elements in fingertips
    • Little finger – Water Element
    • Ring finger – Earth Element
    • Middle Finger – Ether or Space Element
    • Index Finger – Air Element
    • Thumb Finger – Fire Element

    On pressing all fingertips against each other, the brain centers get activated concerned with the subtle aspect of the physical and psychic body. Mantra chanting and meditation while pressing those points in Hakini Mudra stimulates the spiritual energy sitting at the floor or Muladhara or Root chakra.

    If you feel low after small mental work, then the regular practice of hakini mudra lifts the energy flowing down from the root chakra to the Ajna chakra. It redirects energy along the spine to meet at the Ajna chakra. The confluence of Ida, Pingala, and Sushumna nadis at Ajna chakra brings the change in the memory retention, imagination, concentration, and brainpower of the practitioner.


    However, practicing Hakini Mudra along with the three bandha (Jalandhar, Mool, and Uddiyana) also influences the consciousness and various psychological aspects of the individual.

    Benefits of Hakini Mudra

    • Boost up memory power, concentration, and attentive focus.
    • Deep breathing increases oxygen supply to the brain, improving its functioning and overall brainpower.
    • Hakini Mudra helps in grasping the logical thinking and creative aspects, as Ajna chakra empowers both brain’s hemisphere.
    • Activates the qualities of Ajna chakra perception, attentiveness, watchfulness, intuitiveness and curiosity, respectively.
    • Helps overcome psychological issues like stress, anxiety, and depression.
    • Supports spiritual growth when practiced alongside a sattvic lifestyle.
    • Guided practice under an experienced teacher can lead to spiritual awakening and insights into past and future.
    • This mudra also helps in balancing of blood pressure and Doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) of the body.
    • Continous breathing also clarifies the nostrils. Therefore, assists in effortless breathing.


    Hakini Mudra is more than just a hand gesture; it is a powerful tool for enhancing mental clarity, boosting confidence, and promoting effective communication. By integrating this mudra into your daily practice, you can unlock a reservoir of inner strength and wisdom, helping you navigate life’s challenges with greater ease and confidence. Whether you are a student, professional, or spiritual seeker, Hakini Mudra offers a simple yet profound way to enhance your mental and emotional well-being.

    One Response

    1. AP.ravichandran October 11, 2023

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