Karana Mudra – Buddha’s Gesture of Expelling Negativity

karana mudra
Image Source: canva

Are your dream catcher or evil eye symbol ruining your cool image rather than saving you from jinx? Well, look no further as involving Karana Mudra into your daily meditative practice is all that you need.

Besides being a yoga mudra, Karana mudra also has a religious and cultural significance. It is widely practiced in Tibetan Buddhism as well as in Hindu and Buddhist culture to harness internal peace. It is also helpful in reaching spirituality.

    Mudras: The Yoga of The Hands

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    Karana mudra is one of the buddha hand mudras practiced by drawing the right hand towards the heart with the palm facing forward. The index and little fingers are extended upwards while the other two middle fingers are folded to be held by the tip of the thumb.

    Start practicing Karana Mudra to cultivate spiritual, mental, and emotional benefits.


    The Philosophy Behind Karana Mudra

    Its description is mostly found in the Buddhist tradition as Gautam Buddha is generally portrayed meditating in Karana mudra.

    Karana Mudra signifies the warding off evil and negative energies. The religious and cultural beliefs suggest that Karna mudra helps remove mental blocks.

    Due to the ability to divert or to get rid of negative emotions, sickness, and demons, it is also known as the Gesture of Banishing.

    Practicing such a simple hand gesture either in meditative sessions or with pranayama (breathing exercises) leads the practitioner towards optimism and enlightenment. You can double up its benefits by fusing this gesture with chanting mantras like the Ganesh mantra.


    Alternatively, place your hand into the chest and attain Karana Mudra by channeling the flow of life force (prana). Filling the inhalation and exhalation with the following Mantra:

    • Inhale: “May obstacles be removed.”
    • Exhale: “May negative energy be thwarted.”

    This gesture involves the middle finger pressed against the thumb, hence stimulating the fire and ether elements in the body.

    Time Duration

    It is best to practice this mudra in the morning or evening hours. You can hold them all day long. However, it’s not possible, so perform this gesture with asanas, pranayama, or meditation.

    Beginners must practice it for at least 15 minutes and gradually reach up to 45 minutes.

    How To Perform Karana Mudra

    Sit comfortably in padmasana, sukhasana, or vajrasana, or, if not comfortable in a cross-legged posture, sit on a chair. Follow the given steps to attain Karana mudra;


    • Bring your right hand to your chest level.
    • Place it either vertically or horizontally opening the palm forward.
    • Flex your middle and ring finger towards the center of the palm.
    • Bend to thumb inwards to hold down the flexed fingers.
    • Straighten the index and little finger and extend them upward.
    • Place the left hand on the left knee with palm facing up.


    Some sources also describe this mudra differently as:

    • Bringing the right hand in front of the chest with the palm facing outward.
    • Fold the thumb, middle, and little fingers.
    • Keep the index and ring fingers straight.

    Karana Mudra Benefits

    1. Karana Mudra fills the mind with positivity.
    2. It drives stronger energy forces inwards.
    3. Any health ailments or sickness is removed by Karana mudra.
    4. It brings a sense of fearlessness.
    5. It eliminates the obstacles created by the mind and brings clarity.
    6. It improves the flow of prana subtly.


    Defeat your demons, negative forces, ailments, and fear with Karana Mudra. It is a cleansing mudra revitalizing the mind and a step towards enlightenment.

    Feng shui principles state that practicing Karana mudra brings fearlessness. It also enhances energy and peace internally as well as in the surroundings.

    One Response

    1. sieginda gerst December 11, 2020

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