Garuda Mudra (Eagle Gesture): Meaning, How to Do, Benefits

garuda mudra for healing
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Garuda Mudra is named after the king of birds eagle. Eagle is known for its discipline and freedom so this mudra brings these qualities to practitioners.

Besides, this mudra will fuel up energy and inspiration within you. It’s especially intended for balancing the air or Vata dosha in the body. The deficiency of Vata makes you feel lethargic, lethargic, and irritable.

    Mudras: The Yoga of The Hands

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    To perform garuda mudra, interlock the thumbs with extended fingers, and open palm towards you. This hand gesture can be observed while practicing garudasana (eagle pose). The body gets revitalized and blood flow is activated by keeping hands in this position.

    To better understand garuda mudra, its precautions, and benefits continue reading further.


    Meaning & Working

    “Garuda” is the Sanskrit term for “eagle” and “mudra” refers to “gesture”. The open palms with extended fingers resemble Garuda (eagle), the king of birds and wind, hence the name Garuda mudra.

    In this mudra, when both thumbs are interlocked, it can be considered as the joining of elemental energies of the thumb. Thumb represents the fire element so the Garuda mudra stimulates the fire (Agni) element in the body which warms up and lubricates the dry air. This eliminates the stagnant body fluids by balancing the fire element.

    It is practiced in combination with meditation or pranayama sessions. Hence, sometimes also referred to as Garuda mudra pranayama. It is also known by the English name Eagle pose.

    Symbolic representation

    In Hindu mythology, Garuda is considered as the mount of Lord Vishnu, the God of preservation. It is a mighty bird that is the king of birds and wind.


    This mudra is named so, keeping the fierce, disciplined, and committed nature of Garuda in mind that it develops in the practitioner.

    Besides this, Garuda has large wings which they use to explore the limitless sky and displays their freedom. Similarly, the hands while holding garuda mudra mimic the large span of the eagle’s wings and represent inner freedom.

    How to Do Garuda mudra

    1. Sit in a comfortable posture like padmasana, vajrasana, etc.
    2. Pace your hands with palms facing upwards on the thighs or knees.
    3. Close your eyes and take some deep breaths.
    4. Now, overlap the right wrist over the left extending the fingers of both the hands.
    5. Interlock both the thumbs by hooking the right thumb on the knuckle of the left.
    6. Place your hands with interlocked thumbs at the lesser abdomen with palms facing you and stay there for 10 breaths.
    7. Increasing the level place your hands closer to the navel and again take 10 deep breaths.
    8. Then, place the hands at the pit of the stomach again for 10 deep breaths.
    9. Enhance the practice by chanting “OM” to keep the mind focused on the practice.

    Duration of the practice

    • Like any other mudra, practicing garuda mudra in the morning hours is beneficial.
    • However, you can practice it any time whenever you can chant or sit for mindful breathing.
    • You must practice this mudra three times for at least five minutes or 15 minutes in a stretch per day.
    • Only the patients with high blood pressure must practice it in moderation.
    • You can also practice Garuda mudra standing in tadasana or sitting in a chair.

    Garuda Mudra Benefits

    Garuda mudra practice helps get rid of muscle spasms, tightness, menstrual cramps, and upset stomach. By involving both hands it balances the Vata between both sides of the body.

    Besides this, some of the benefits derived from Garuda mudra are given below:

    1. Garuda mudra is the easiest practice to inculcate fearlessness and the feeling of letting go.
    2. It balances all the elements and majorly emphasizing the air (Vayu) element, hence cures Vayu dosha.
    3. Practicing Garuda mudra is also beneficial for the digestive system as it increases the fire energy to digest food easily.
    4. It is useful in getting rid of lethargy and fatigue by energizing the body and improves the functioning of Apana Vayu.
    5. By stimulating Apana Vayu release this acts as a soothing gesture for the mind. Thus, it helps cure stress and anxiety and brings calm.
    6. Garuda mudra stimulates fire (air) element which warms up and lubricates the dry air. Hence, it removes stagnant body fluids.
    7. Cancer patients can get the utmost benefits from Garuda mudra to maintain lymphatic drainage and stimulates the lymphatic system.
    8. Holding Garuda mudra also regulates the blood circulation of the body.
    9. As described in the instructions that hands in Garuda mudra are placed in three different regions. Therefore, it improves the efficiency of major body organs, viz. kidney, lungs, heart, and stomach.
    10. It cures all respiratory ailments.
    11. Garuda mudra is also beneficial to build strong immunity.
    12. It is a therapeutic action on menstruation pain and issues related to the prostate gland.

    Yogis practice Garuda mudra in a higher stage sadhana to remove physical and mental toxins when performed along with pranayama. Thus aids the function of the throat (Vishuddha) chakra, i.e. detoxification process. Hence, it is also known as Garuda mudra chakra.


    Garuda mudra is a solution to all health issues. Besides its numerous physical and mental benefits, it also uplifts your emotional traits by enhancing the meditative practices.

    So, next time whenever you feel low, stressed out, or tired choose Garuda mudra as an instant rescue.

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