Sutra Neti (Rubber Thread Neti): How to Do, Benefits & Precautions

sutra neti with rubber thread

Neti is one of 6 cleansing technique of shatkarma;

  1. DhautiA Cleansing technique of upper stomach
  2. NetiNasal cleansing technique
  3. NauliMassages abdominal organs
  4. BastiCleansing of the large intestine
  5. Kapalbhati – Forehead shining breathing technique
  6. Trataka – Eyes muscles purification exercise

There are mainly 4 types of Neti kriya; Jal Neti, Sutra Neti, Dugdha Neti, and Ghritha Neti. Jala neti is the easiest one where saline water is used to clean the nasal passages.

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    What is Sutra Neti?

    Sutra is a Sanskrit term which literally translates into ‘Thread‘ and Neti is used here for ‘Nasal Cleaning

    Sutra neti is a nasal passage cleansing technique using a cotton thread or rubber catheter. It’s also called Thread Neti or rubber Neti based on the type of thread you use. Yogic texts like Hatha Yoga Pradipika and Gheranda Samhita defined it with great detailing.


    In sutra neti, A cotton thread or a rubber catheter is inserted into the nostril in a way that it comes out of the mouth. In this way, mucus and debris are removed and hence nasal passages opened to their fullest capacity. It is also proved to be beneficial in nasal polyps.

    Thread used in Sutra Neti

    For sutra neti, a regular yogi can use cotton thread having 4mm in width and around 36 cm long. This thread length is long enough to pass down the nose and reach out through the mouth.

    Cotton thread for sutra neti kriya is easily available on the market or one can buy it from the online store.

    However, while using cotton thread for Sutra neti, make sure to lubricate it using beeswax (or any other agent) otherwise it can produce a sense of nausea.

    A thin rubber catheter is another thread used for sutra neti. A rubber catheter is a 1 to 3 mm thick tube-like thread that is comparatively soft enough to insert into nostril.


    For beginners using a thin rubber catheter is preferred as it’s more lubricated as compare to a cotton thread, so it easily slides through nasal passages.

    Understanding Nasal Cavity Anatomy Before Sutra Neti

    Beginners performing sutra neti should have clear knowledge about the anatomy of the nasal cavity and the structures from where the thread is passed.

    The nasal cavity resembles a long cave. The roof is narrow and the floor is wide. There lies a valve near the root of the nose into the upper back of the throat.

    It is important to keep the thread pointed toward the back of the throat. Move it downward and inward. It should easily slide down inside the back opening of the nose.

    The entire procedure should be completely pain-free. If pain is experienced, the method needs to be checked and string should be inserted again and in proper direction and speed.

    Follow the following steps to perform.

    How To Do Sutra Neti

    sutra neti - grab the thread
    Hands through the mouth to grab the thread.
    • Take a cord made up of thread dipped in beeswax or in place of thread, you can take a catheter made up of rubber. Rinse the cord in warm water or some specialized oils or medications and then dry it properly.
    • Insert thread into one of the nostrils slowly and gently. Keep the cord pointed towards the back of the throat.
    • Take your hand into the mouth and grab the cord at the back of the throat using the index and middle fingers.
    • Reach to the thread at the back of the throat and pull it out from the mouth slowly and gently.
    • Hold both ends of the string using both hands and move it to and fro twice or thrice.

    Repeat the same steps with another nostril.

    Once the above procedure is mastered, sutra neti can be performed by passing the cord from one nostril to another.

    Frequency and time of practice

    Best time to practice Sutra neti is the early morning, before breakfast when naturally nasal passages opened at their fullest capacity.

    Sutra neti should be practice once a week, not on daily basis. If one practices it daily, then it can weaken the natural receptors present in our nasal passages.

    Benefits of Sutra Neti

    These are some instant and long-term benefits of sutra neti you will feel when practicing it with proper instructions from an expert.

    1. Lightness in breathing

    Practicing sutra neti after jal neti aids in clearing excessive mucus from the heavy nostrils. Also, thread opens the blocked mucus membrane which further makes you feel very light in breathing.

    2. Improves Vision

    Many subtle nerves of eyes connected with frontal and back of the nose area, which got a stimulation when thread passes through it. This stimulation increases the blood flow through these nerves which improves the overall vision of a person.

    3. ENT care

    Eyes, nose, and ears (ENT) are internally connected to each other. Blockage in anyone can cause disturbances in the other two organs too.

    Consistent practice of sutra neti is the easiest way to care ENT (eyes, nose, and throat) problems. Whether your vocal cords are affected, nasal congestion or feeling irritation in the ears, jal and sutra neti is the natural remedy for all.

    4. Alleviate Inflammation and excessive mucus

    Mucus stuck in blocked sinus cavities, which further becomes a cause for inflammation, expelled out by practicing sutra neti. Sometimes, mucus inside the nose also becomes dried, it causes blockage in the nose.

    When massage takes place in sutra neti, it opens these blockages of mucus and relieves from blocked nose and inflammation.

    5. Deviated nasal septum reduced

    Some people have deviated septum which arises many respiration related problems. Often an ENT specialist suggests surgery in this case.

    Sutra neti is a natural remedy for a deviated septum. However, it’s a long-term process but with the time you will realize the decrease in obstruction cause of deviated septum.

    Other benefits

    Thread used in sutra neti works as a stimulator for nerves and membranes in the nose which relieves from the symptoms of cough, cold and headache symptoms.

    Also, the dormant cells in the frontal brain area activated which enhances hair growth, memory and reduce insomniac.


    While preparing for sutra neti practice, ensure the following cautions to get the maximum benefits out of it.

    1. Don’t force thread into nose 

    There could be some reasons (physical or mechanical) that sutra (thread) may not pass through nasal passages easily. In this case, don’t intentionally push thread into nostrils because the thread can penetrate soft nasal tissues and it may cause bleeding.

    2. Practice it before pranayama session

    Like other shatkarma, sutra neti should perform before asana and pranayama practice as it opens the nostrils at their fullest capacity which helps in effective breathing while pranayama practice.

    See More: A Complete Guide to Pranayama (Yogic breathing)

    3. Perform it after Jal neti

    Jal neti is comparably easy and quick practice as compare to sutra neti. Practice jal neti before performing sutra neti as it will moisturize the nasal passages, so that thread will easily pass through nostrils.

    4. Ensure thread is clean and trimmed properly

    A thread could have a number of dust particles sticky on it. Ensure proper cleaning of thread using the warm saline water and then put it aside for drying before inserting into nostrils.

    Also, if you are using thread in place of rubber catheter, ensure thread ends are trimmed properly so it may not curl while coming out through the mouth.


    People suffering from a history of chronic nasal bleeding, nasal polyps, and hypertension, in any condition, practice Sutra neti on consulting from an expert. Also, avoid doing sutra neti during sinus problems.


    1. Kathleen Tyrrell July 26, 2022
    2. Robert Clarence Jastad May 18, 2021
      • Ashish May 18, 2021
    3. Jitendra Shejwadkar July 25, 2020

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