Uttana Mandukasana (Extended Frog Pose): How to Do, Benefits

Uttana Mandukasana
Image Source: yoga_shriya@instagram
Sanskrit PronunciationUttana Mandukasana
(Oot-AHN-ah Man-doo-KAHS-uh-nuh)
MeaningUttana = stretched up / Manduka = frog/ Asana = pose
Pose TypeSitting, stretching
Pose LevelIntermediate
AnatomyLower back muscles, arms, shoulders, Knees, hips, hamstrings
Other NamesStretched Up Frog Pose and Extended Frog Pose
Uttana Mandukasana information

Uttana Mandukasana brings joy, wellness, and pleasure in abundance by activating our inner creative side. It is an intermediate level variant of Mandukasana.

Getting into its terminology gives an insight into this pose. Here, “uttana” refers to “stretched up” or “upright”, “Manduka” means “frog”, and “asana” refers to “pose”.

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    The ancient Gheranda Samhita describes Uttana Mandukasana’s position as, “assuming the frog posture hold the head by the elbows and stand up like a frog. Since the final posture resembles an upright frog, hence the name.

    Other accepted common names of uttana mandukasana involve Extended Frog pose and stretched-up frog pose.


    Find out how you can uplift your creativity and feel abundant following the practice guidelines of Uttana Mandukasana.

    Uttana Mandukasana Practice Guide

    Some of the safety measures you need to go through before preparing yourself for uttana mandukasana and reap all the possible benefits are as follows:


    • It is best to avoid this pose during pregnancy or menstruation.
    • Trying this pose with conditions like back pain and spinal cord deformity must be prohibited.
    • Expert’s supervision is required if people with arthritis or hernia are willing to try uttana mandukasna.
    • Do not try it if you have a disability in your hip joint.
    • Pain in the shoulders, elbows, and knees doesn’t create suitable conditions for practicing this pose.

    Preparatory poses

    How to Do Uttana Mandukasana (Steps)

    Uttana Mandukasana how to do
    Image Source: anna_yogalove_@instagram
    1. Begin with sitting in Vajrasana keeping the toes joined.
    2. Spread both the knees as wide as possible placing hands between the knees for support.
    3. Place the chin to the chest attaining the Jalandhara Bandha.
    4. Inhale, raise your right arm and bend it at the elbow to place the right hand below the left shoulder.
    5. Similarly, raise the left arm and bend it to place the left palm below the right shoulder.
    6. The left wrists are placed crossing over the right one behind the head.
    7. Hold the pose for 3-10 breaths expanding the chest fully and lengthening arching the spine.
    8. Release by lifting the left arm followed by the right arm and lower them to the knees.
    9. Bring your knees closer to sit in the initial pose.

    Note: These steps can also be performed in sequence with Mandukasana as described in Gheranda Samhita involving the 3 Bandhas (Mula, Uddhiyana, and Jalandhara).

    Points to keep in mind

    • Keep breathing normally while holding the pose.
    • Sit separating the knees apart ensuring the toes remain in contact, such that the buttocks are resting above the soles.
    • Practice the pose 2-3 times maintaining the final posture for about 30 seconds each time.

    Therapeutic Applications

    • Uttana Mandukasana cure asthma and other lung disorders.
    • This pose is also beneficial in getting rid of menstrual discomfort or pain.
    • It has relieving effects on psychological disorders including stress, and anxiety.
    • People with cervical spondylitis must practice this pose to get relieving effects.
    • Besides this, it also cures back pain around the cervical, lumbar, or thoracic region.
    • It also relieves throat and shoulder pain.
    • By stretching the abdomen improves the functioning of the digestive organs and cures constipation or other digestive disorders.
    • Uttana Mandukasana also stretches the pancreas and regulates insulin secretion, thus, beneficial in treating diabetes.

    Uttana Mandukasana Benefits

    1. Elongates the spine

    Uttana Mandukasana is assumed by stretching the back muscles up, it lengthens the spine and strengthen the upper and lower back muscles. Therefore it makes the back muscle supple and enhances spinal flexibility.

    2. Enhances abdominal strength

    While practicing this pose the abdominal muscles and organs are stretched and gently massaged. It improves blood flow to this region and improves the strength of the core and internal organs.

    3. Tone the arms

    The arm muscles also undergo intense stretching, it stimulates the shoulder blades, elbows, and also the wrists. This is a gentle exercise for arms and provides toned and stronger arms and shoulders.

    4. Strengthens leg muscles

    It is practiced by folding the legs on the knees followed by widening the knees and stretching the ankles. The quadriceps are stretched intensely and blood circulation increases in the leg muscles. It improves the coordination of knees and ankles and strengthens the hip joint, knees, thighs, calves, and ankles.

    5. Promotes lung capacity

    In the final position. the chest is expanded fully to arch the back. Hence it stretches the lungs and diaphragm. It enhances the lung capacity and clears the respiratory pathways removing any trapped congestion. Therefore, it helps in facilitating better respiration.

    6. Improves reproductive health

    While separating the knee, the groins and pelvic floor muscles are stretched gently. This improves blood supply towards the genitals and uplifts the overall reproductive health.

    7. Opens the sacral chakra

    This pose is known for improving the creative skills of the practitioner. This is so because while stretching the abdomen and genitals this pose stimulates the sacral chakra (Swadhisthana). This will enhance the quality of life of the practitioner by bringing emotional stability and pleasure.


    Uttana mandukasana is a body-relaxing yogic package that leaves physical, mental, and emotional healing effects. Try it out on your end sticking to the given practice guide to cultivate all its benefits.

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