By Ashish

Yoga Poses for Stronger Knees

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 This pose engages your quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves, promoting knee stability. By grounding through the feet and bending the front knee, you build strength while enhancing flexibility in the surrounding muscles.

Warrior 2 Pose

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Trikonasana strengthens the thighs and calves while promoting flexibility in the hips and hamstrings. It indirectly contributes to knee stability by improving the alignment of the leg muscles.

Triangle Pose

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Utkatasana involves squatting as if sitting in a chair, activating the quadriceps and glutes. The pose encourages proper alignment of the knees and strengthens the supporting muscles.

Chair Pose

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This core-strengthening pose engages the quadriceps while promoting balance and overall core stability. A strong core is essential for proper biomechanics and knee support.

Half Boat Pose

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This deep squat engages the quadriceps and inner thighs, promoting strength in the knee joint. Malasana also aids in maintaining hip flexibility, which can affect knee health.

Garland Pose

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Virasana stretches the thighs and knees while improving circulation around the joint. Regular practice can help maintain flexibility and alleviate knee discomfort.

Hero Pose

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Bridge Pose targets the hamstrings and glutes while gently stretching the quadriceps. Regular practice helps in maintaining knee flexibility and overall lower body strength.

Bridge Pose

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