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7 Relaxation Yoga Poses for Stress Relief

Stand with feet hip-width apart and fold forward, letting your upper body hang over your legs. Uttanasana soothes the nervous system and encourages blood flow to the brain, which helps reduce stress and anxiety. It also stretches the hamstrings and lower back, releasing physical tension

Standing Forward Bend Pose

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Sit with feet together and gently press the knees toward the ground. Baddha Konasana releases tension in the groin and hips, stimulates abdominal organs, and improves circulation. The meditative quality of this pose calms the mind and reduces stress.

Butterfly Pose

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Start on your hands and knees, gently arch your back while inhaling (cow), and then round your spine while exhaling (cat). This dynamic flow helps release tension in the spine and neck, while also massaging the organs, fostering a feeling of emotional release, and promoting a calmer state of mind.

Cat Cow Pose

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Start on all fours and walk your hands forward while keeping your hips above your knees. This heart-opening pose stretches the spine, shoulders, and arms, releasing tension in the upper body. As you surrender and breathe deeply in this pose, it helps to calm the mind and reduce stress, while also energizing you

Extended Puppy Pose

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Sit with legs extended and fold forward from the hips. Paschimottanasana calms the mind and soothes the nervous system, while stretching the spine and hamstrings. It also helps to relieve headaches and reduces fatigue, making it an excellent pose to alleviate stress.

Seated Forward Bend

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Begin by kneeling on the floor and gently lower your torso down, stretching your arms forward and resting your forehead on the ground. Child's Pose is a restful and nurturing posture that encourages deep breathing and introspection. It releases tension in the back, shoulders, and neck, making it an ideal pose for stress relief and relaxation.

Child Pose

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Shavasana (Corpse Pose) helps relieve stress by allowing the body and mind to relax completely, reducing tension and promoting a sense of peace and tranquility. It also facilitates the release of stress hormones and promotes better overall well-being.


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