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 Yoga Poses to Balance Sacral Chakra

Bound Angle Pose is an excellent sacral chakra pose that targets the lower abdomen, stretches and strengthens the hips and pelvic floor muscles, and promotes the release of accumulated stress in the hip region, helping to relieve symptoms of sacral chakra imbalance.

Bound Angle Pose

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Reclined Bound Angle Pose is a powerful yoga pose for balancing the Sacral chakra as it opens the hips, groin, and lower abdomen, promoting energy flow and emotional release, while also easing symptoms of sacral chakra imbalance such as menstrual issues and sexual dysfunction.

Reclined Bound Angle Pose

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Happy Baby Pose is an effective yoga pose for balancing the Sacral chakra as it stretches the hips and groin, releasing tension and emotions stored in the lower abdomen, fostering a sense of joy and emotional well-being.

Happy Baby Pose

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Bridge Pose helps balance the sacral chakra by stretching and stimulating the lower abdomen and pelvic region, promoting emotional release, and encouraging the flow of creative and sexual energies.

Bridge Pose

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Pigeon Pose is great for releasing tension in the hips, promoting stability, and balancing the sacral chakra, benefiting those with hormonal imbalances and emotional challenges.

Pigeon Pose

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Sphinx Pose is a beneficial yoga pose for balancing the Sacral chakra as it opens the lower abdomen and stimulates the reproductive organs, promoting emotional release and increased creative energy flow. Its gentle backbend encourages a sense of grounding and stability, fostering emotional balance in the sacral region.

Sphinx Yoga Pose

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Goddess Pose (Utkata Konasana) is a powerful hip opener that activates the entire lower body, strengthening and stretching muscles while stimulating the Sacral Chakra to boost self-esteem and unleash creative energies.

Goddess Pose

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