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Yoga Poses Balance Body Temperature

This dynamic sequence combines various poses, promoting circulation and warming up the body to balance body temperature.

Surya Namaskar

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Tree Pose  helps in balancing body temperature by grounding and centering the body, allowing the practitioner to find stability and internal harmony. This standing pose engages the core and encourages blood circulation, contributing to an overall sense of balance and warmth within the body.

Tree Pose

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Half Lord of the Fishes Pose (Ardha Matsyendrasana) stimulates the spine and internal organs, promoting improved circulation and helping to balance body temperature. The twisting action in this pose also aids in detoxification, supporting overall wellness and temperature regulation.

Half Lord of the Fishes Pose

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This backbend stimulates the endocrine system, helping to balance hormonal functions and body temperature.

Camel Pose

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Nadi Shodhan Pranayama balances body temperature by harmonizing the flow of energy (prana) within the body, promoting a sense of equilibrium and regulating the body's internal heat. Through its calming and balancing effects on the nervous system, this breathing technique helps maintain a stable body temperature.

Nadi Shodhan Pranayama

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Sheetali Pranayama is known for its cooling effects on the body, making it effective in balancing body temperature and reducing heat. By inhaling through a rolled tongue, this breathing technique helps to calm the nervous system and create a sense of inner coolness.

Sitali Pranayama

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Sitkari Pranayama, like Sheetali Pranayama, is a cooling breath practice that helps balance body temperature by inhaling through the teeth and creating a refreshing sensation within the body. By calming the mind and reducing internal heat, Sitkari Pranayama promotes a sense of coolness and balance throughout the body.

Sitkari Pranayama

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