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7 Warm-Up Poses to Prepare for Your Yoga Practice

Performing a shoulder warm-up exercise before yoga helps increase flexibility, prevent injury, and prepare the muscles and joints for the practice ahead.

Shoulder Warm Up

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Engaging in a neck warm-up exercise before yoga helps release tension, improve mobility, and prepare the neck muscles for a safe and effective practice.

Neck Warm Up

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Incorporating a side twist warm-up exercise before yoga helps to gently release tension in the spine, increase spinal mobility, and prepare the body for deeper twists during the practice.

Side Twist

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Engaging in Eagle Arms pose as a warm-up exercise before yoga helps open the shoulders, stretch the upper back, and promote improved posture and energy flow throughout the practice.

Eagle Arm Pose

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Practicing Goddess Pose as a warm-up exercise before yoga helps open the hips, strengthen the lower body, and cultivate a sense of stability and empowerment for the subsequent practice.

Goddess Pose 

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Practicing Half Forward Bend Pose as a warm-up exercise before yoga helps to release tension in the back and hamstrings, promote spinal flexibility, and prepare the body for deeper forward folds.

Half Forward Bend

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Including Cat Cow Stretch as a warm-up exercise before yoga helps to mobilize the spine, engage the core muscles, and promote a sense of balance and alignment for the practice ahead.

Cat Cow Stretch

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