By Ashish

8 Standing Yoga Poses for Back Relief

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Stand tall with feet hip-width apart, arms by your sides. Engage your  thighs and lift your chest, lengthening the spine to relieve tension and  promote better posture.

Mountain Pose

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Balancing on one leg, place the sole of the foot on the inner thigh.  Vrikshasana improves balance, strengthens the back, and enhances  concentration, promoting a healthy spine.

Tree Pose

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Extend arms parallel to the floor while lunging into a wide stance.  Warrior II strengthens the legs, opens the hips, and engages the core,  contributing to better spine support and relief from back pain.

Warrior 2 Pose

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With legs wide, reach one hand to the floor and extend the other arm  overhead. This pose stretches the spine and strengthens the core,  alleviating lower back pain.

Triangle Pose

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Hinge at your hips, letting your upper body hang forward. This pose  stretches the hamstrings and lower back, promoting flexibility and  easing tightness.

Forward Fold

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Start on your hands and knees, lift your hips toward the ceiling. This  pose stretches the entire spine, hamstrings, and shoulders, providing  relief to the back.

Downward Facing Dog

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Cross one leg over the other, intertwine arms, and sink into a seated  position. Garudasana improves balance, stretches the upper back, and  releases tension between the shoulder blades.

Eagle Pose

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Sit back as if into an imaginary chair, engaging the thighs. Utkatasana  builds strength in the lower back and legs, encouraging proper alignment  and reducing strain on the spine.

Chair Pose

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