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8 Intermediate Standing Yoga Poses

Dancer Pose  is an intermediate yoga pose that stretches the thighs, hips, shoulders, and chest while enhancing balance, flexibility, and body awareness, promoting a deep opening in the front of the body and a challenging hamstring stretch.

Dancer Pose

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Warrior 3 Pose is an intermediate yoga pose that strengthens the legs, core, and shoulders while improving balance, stability, and focus, creating a full-body engagement and promoting a sense of grounding and empowerment.

Warrior 3 Pose

Pic Credit: Shutterstock

Eagle Pose is an intermediate yoga pose that improves balance, flexibility, and concentration, while stretching and strengthening the legs, arms, shoulders, and upper back, promoting a sense of grounded stability and releasing tension in the body.

Eagle Pose

Pic Credit: Shutterstock

Revolved Side Angle Pose is an intermediate yoga pose that strengthens the legs, stretches the hips and shoulders, improves spinal flexibility, and aids in detoxification, promoting a sense of balance, vitality, and inner strength.

Revolved Side Angle 

Pic Credit: Shutterstock

Reverse Warrior Pose is an intermediate yoga pose that strengthens the legs, stretches the side body, improves flexibility and spinal mobility, while promoting a sense of grounding and expanding the breath, enhancing overall vitality and energy flow in the body.

Reverse Warrior Pose

Pic Credit: Shutterstock

Pyramid Pose, or Parsvottanasana, is an intermediate yoga pose that stretches the hamstrings, calves, and hips, while strengthening the legs and improving balance, promoting a sense of grounding and stability, and enhancing flexibility in the lower body.

Pyramid Pose

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Sugarcane Pose, or Ardha Chandra Chapasana, is an intermediate yoga pose that combines balance, strength, and flexibility by stretching the quadriceps, opening the hips, and improving core stability, promoting grace, focus, and a sense of expansion in the body.

Sugarcane Pose

Pic Credit: Shutterstock

Lizard Pose is an intermediate yoga pose that deeply stretches the hip flexors, hamstrings, and groin while strengthening the legs and core, promoting hip mobility, flexibility, and a sense of grounding and stability in the body.

Lizard Pose

Pic Credit: Shutterstock

List of Standing Yoga Pose