By Ashish

7 Yoga Poses to Kickstart Your 2024

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Step one foot back, bend the front knee, and extend the arms overhead.  Warrior I builds strength in the legs, opens the hips, and encourages  focus and concentration. It is a powerful pose symbolizing strength and  determination for the new year

Warrior 1 Pose

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Stand on one leg, placing the sole of the other foot on the inner thigh  or calf, with hands at heart center. Tree Pose enhances balance and  concentration, while also stretching the thighs and strengthening the  ankles—ideal for finding stability and harmony as you embark on a new  journey.

Tree Pose

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Begin on hands and knees, lifting hips towards the ceiling, forming an  inverted V shape. Downward Dog stretches the entire body, strengthens  the arms and legs, and is known for relieving tension in the back and  shoulders, making it a beneficial pose for beginners

Downward Facing Dog

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Embrace the strength of the new year by starting in a push-up position,  shoulders over wrists, forming a straight line from head to heels. Plank  Pose not only tones the core, arms, and shoulders but also instills a  sense of resilience and stability, symbolizing the firm foundation  needed to take on new challenges in the coming year.

Plank Pose

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Sit with legs extended and hinge at the hips to reach towards the toes.  This pose stretches the spine and hamstrings, promoting a sense of calm  and grounding. Seated Forward Bend is excellent for introspection and  setting intentions for the new year.

Seated Forward Bend Pose

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As you arch your back and reach for your heels in Camel Pose, welcome  the new year with an open heart and a willingness to embrace  vulnerability. This heart-opening pose not only stretches the front of  the body but also symbolizes courage and a commitment to facing the  unknown, making it an ideal posture to cultivate a sense of fearlessness  for the year ahead.

Camel Pose

Pic Credit: Shutterstock

Kneel with the forehead resting on the mat and arms extended in front.  This gentle resting pose provides a moment of introspection and  relaxation, promoting a sense of surrender and release—perfect for  letting go of the past year's stress and starting anew.

Child Pose

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