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7 Best Yoga Poses for Swimmers

Child's Pose is beneficial for swimmers as it helps stretch and lengthen the muscles of the back, shoulders, and hips, improving flexibility and relieving tension after intense swimming sessions, promoting recovery and relaxation in the body.

Child Pose 

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Cobra Pose, or Bhujangasana, is effective for swimmers as it strengthens the muscles of the back, shoulders, and arms, improving upper body strength and posture, which is crucial for swimming technique and propulsion.

Cobra Pose

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Downward Facing Dog Pose is effective for swimmers as it strengthens the upper body, particularly the arms, shoulders, and core muscles, improving overall strength and endurance for swimming strokes and providing a full-body stretch.

Downward Facing Dog Pose

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Warrior Pose is effective for swimmers as it strengthens the legs, core, and upper body, promoting overall strength, stability, and balance essential for efficient swimming movements and improved performance in the water.

Warrior 1 Pose

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Cat-Cow Pose is beneficial for swimmers as it helps to mobilize the spine, improve core stability, and enhance body awareness, which translates to improved swimming technique and fluidity in the water.

Cat- Cow Pose

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Tree Pose is effective for swimmers as it strengthens the legs, improves balance and stability, and enhances concentration, which translates to increased power, control, and efficiency in swimming strokes.

Tree Pose

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Crow Pose is effective for swimmers as it strengthens the upper body, specifically the arms, shoulders, and core, improving arm and core strength necessary for powerful swimming strokes and enhanced propulsion through the water.

Crow Pose

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What is Aqua Yoga and Its Benefits?