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7 Yoga Poses Lower Your Cholesterol Levels

The Seated Spinal Twist Pose, through its impact on digestion, circulation, and the liver, can aid in lowering cholesterol levels by promoting the breakdown of cholesterol and toxins in the body, while also supporting a healthy weight.

Seated Spinal Twist

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Kapalbhati pranayama, a powerful breathing technique in yoga, can help lower cholesterol levels by increasing metabolism, improving circulation, and aiding in the elimination of toxins, thereby promoting overall cardiovascular health and balance.

Kapalbhati Pranayama

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Vajrasana, also known as Thunderbolt Pose, can be effective in lowering cholesterol levels by improving digestion, reducing stress, and promoting healthy metabolism, which aids in the regulation of cholesterol levels and overall cardiovascular well-being.


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 Two-Legged Forward Bend can help lower cholesterol levels by stimulating the abdominal organs, improving digestion, and increasing blood flow to the liver, promoting the breakdown of cholesterol and toxins in the body and supporting overall cardiovascular health.

Two-legged Forward bend

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The Shoulder Stand  can aid in lowering cholesterol levels by stimulating the thyroid gland, improving metabolism, and promoting circulation, which supports the breakdown of cholesterol and overall cardiovascular health.

Shoulder Stand

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 Wheel Pose is effective in lowering cholesterol levels by strengthening the cardiovascular system, improving blood circulation, and promoting the overall health and flexibility of the spine, which contributes to optimal cholesterol balance and cardiovascular well-being.

Wheel Pose

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The Locust Pose  can be effective in lowering cholesterol levels by stimulating the abdominal organs, improving digestion, and increasing blood circulation to the heart, promoting the breakdown of cholesterol and supporting overall cardiovascular health.

Locust Pose

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Best Poses to Improve Circulation in Whole Body