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7 Best Yoga Poses For A Healthy Liver

This twist stimulates the liver, improving its function and aiding digestion. It also stretches the spine and promotes flexibility in the back.

Half Lord Fishes Pose

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Boat pose (Naukasana) stimulates the abdominal organs, including the liver, promoting better digestion and aiding in liver health. It also strengthens the core muscles, supporting overall stability and well-being for individuals with hepatitis.

Boat Pose

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Knees-to-Chest Pose (Apanasana) aids in the massage of the abdominal organs, including the liver, promoting detoxification and improved digestion for individuals with hepatitis. It also helps alleviate gas and bloating, contributing to better overall digestive health.

Knee to Chest Pose

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Boat pose stimulates the abdominal organs, including the liver, promoting detoxification and improved liver health for individuals with hepatitis. By strengthening the core muscles, it also supports overall stability and well-being, benefiting individuals managing hepatitis.

Bow Pose

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Bridge pose stimulates the abdominal organs and improves blood flow to the liver, supporting its detoxification process.

Bridge Pose

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Kapalabhati pranayama can have a positive effect on liver health by promoting better blood circulation and potentially aiding in the detoxification process, which may contribute to improved liver function and overall well-being.

Kapalbhati Pranayama

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Anulom Vilom (alternate nostril breathing) may benefit liver health by reducing stress and promoting relaxation, which can help improve blood flow and support the liver's detoxification processes, potentially leading to better liver function and overall health.

Anulom Vilom

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