By Ashish

Yoga Poses to Increase Stamina

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Engaging the entire body, Plank Pose builds core strength, arm muscles, and stamina. Holding the position challenges the body and helps in building resilience and endurance over time

Plank Pose

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This energizing backbend strengthens the arms, shoulders, and back while expanding the chest for increased lung capacity. Practicing Upward Facing Dog enhances stamina and flexibility throughout the entire body.

Upward Facing Dog Pose

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Strengthening the core, hip flexors, and spine, Boat Pose is an excellent exercise for increasing stamina and toning the abdominal muscles. Consistent practice helps improve overall body endurance and balance.

Boat Pose

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This backbend strengthens the back, glutes, and hamstrings, aiding in improving stamina and posture. It also stimulates the thyroid gland, which helps regulate energy levels in the body.

Bridge Pose

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Stretching the hip flexors and thighs, Anjaneyasana increases lower body strength and enhances stamina. The pose also opens the chest, allowing for deeper breaths and improved endurance during physical activities.

Crescent Lunge

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Utkatasana targets the thighs and glutes, fostering lower body strength and enhancing stamina. The pose requires mental focus and deep breathing, which contributes to increased endurance.

Chair Pose

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This powerful standing pose targets the legs, arms, and core, promoting strength and stamina. Holding this posture for an extended period helps build endurance and stability while enhancing focus and concentration.

Warrior 2 Pose

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