By Ashish

Yoga Poses for Pitta dosha

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Pitta dosha is made up of fire and water elements and is characterized by a medium built or muscular body type. Imbalances in pitta dosha can manifest as irritability, excessive heat in the body, and digestive issues. When pitta dosha is aggravated, individuals may experience symptoms such as acidity, skin rashes, and inflammation.

Ardha Chandrasana is an energizing pose that enhances balance and focus. It's beneficial for pitta types as it releases tension and promotes clarity of mind.

Half Moon Pose

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Sitali pranayama involves inhaling through a rolled tongue or pursed lips to create a cooling effect. It helps pacify the fiery nature of pitta, reducing anger and irritability.

Sitali Pranayama

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This calming pose stretches the spine and hamstrings. It aids in reducing stress and anger, which are common pitta imbalances.

Seated Forward Bend

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Gomukhasana is excellent for releasing shoulder and chest tension. It can help pitta types let go of stored anger and resentment.

Cow Face Pose

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Ustrasana is a heart-opening pose that cultivates self-compassion and empathy. It can be therapeutic for pitta types who may struggle with excessive self-criticism.

Camel Pose

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Balasana is a resting pose that promotes relaxation and introspection. It's ideal for pitta individuals to soothe their intense drive and ambition.

Child Pose

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Setu Bandha Sarvangasana is a gentle inversion that helps cool the body. It also alleviates stress and anxiety associated with pitta dosha.

Bridge Pose

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Savasana is a relaxation pose that encourages surrender and mental calmness. It's essential for pitta individuals to balance their intense drive and ambition.


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