By Ashish

Yoga Poses for Healthy Pancreas

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Bhujangasana involves lying on your stomach and arching your upper body upward. This pose stimulates the pancreas by compressing and stretching the abdominal area, potentially improving its function.

Cobra Pose

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Dhanurasana requires you to lie on your stomach, reach back, and grasp your ankles while lifting your chest and thighs off the ground. This asana massages the abdominal organs, including the pancreas, promoting better digestive health.

Bow Pose

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Virasana is a seated yoga pose that involves kneeling with your buttocks resting on your heels and your spine straight. This pose is excellent for improving blood circulation in the lower abdomen, which can stimulate the pancreas and improve its function. Virasana also helps in relieving stress and promoting relaxation, which is beneficial for overall pancreatic health.

Hero Pose

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This asana stimulates the abdominal organs, including the pancreas, by compressing the abdomen and enhancing blood flow. It also helps in improving digestion and reducing stress, contributing to better pancreatic health.

Head to Knee Pose

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Ustrasana is a backward bend that opens up the chest and stretches the abdomen. This pose may help stimulate the pancreas and improve insulin sensitivity by enhancing blood circulation to the abdominal organs.

Camel Pose

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In Baddha Konasana, you sit with your feet together and your knees bent outward like a butterfly's wings. This asana stretches the inner thighs and groins and stimulates the abdominal organs, including the pancreas. It can help improve digestion and reduce the risk of pancreatic issues by enhancing blood flow to the abdominal region.

Bound Angle Pose

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Seated Forward Bend, supports a healthy pancreas by massaging and stimulating the abdominal organs, including the pancreas, which can improve its functioning. This yoga pose also helps in regulating blood sugar levels and promoting overall digestive health when practiced consistently

Seated Forward Bend

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