By Ashish

Effective Yoga Poses for Gas Relief

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This pose is specifically designed to alleviate gas and bloating. Lie on your back, draw one knee toward your chest, and hug it with both hands. Gently rock from side to side to massage your abdomen and release trapped gas. Repeat on the other side.

Wind-Relieving Pose

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Lie on your back, bend one knee, and cross it over your body to the opposite side while keeping your shoulders grounded. This twist massages the digestive organs, facilitating gas release and relieving discomfort.

Supine Twist

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The Happy Baby Yoga Pose is a gentle posture that can provide gas relief by stretching the hips and lower back, which may help alleviate discomfort and encourage the release of trapped gas. To perform it, lie on your back, draw your knees toward your chest, and grab the outsides of your feet, gently rocking from side to side.

Happy Baby Pose

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Garland Pose (Malasana) relieves gas by opening the pelvic area and gently compressing the abdomen, helping release trapped gas. To do it, squat with feet close together, and use your elbows to press knees outward, creating space in the lower belly, and promoting gas release.

Garland Pose

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Move through the arching and rounding of the spine in Cat-Cow Pose to stimulate digestion and relieve gas. Inhale as you arch your back, and exhale as you round it, coordinating breath with movement.

Cat Cow Pose

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Sit with your legs extended in front of you, and fold forward from the hips while keeping your back straight. This pose massages the abdominal organs, stimulating digestion and aiding in gas release.

Seated Forward Bend

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The Low Lunge Yoga Pose (Anjaneyasana) can assist with gas relief by creating space in the abdominal area and promoting better digestion. To practice it, step one foot forward into a lunge position, lowering the hips and keeping the back leg extended, which can help alleviate discomfort and encourage gas to move through the digestive system.

Low Lunge Pose

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Kneel on the floor, sit back on your heels, and extend your arms forward. Rest your forehead on the mat. Child's Pose is a relaxing posture that gently compresses the abdomen, aiding in gas release and promoting digestive comfort.

Child Pose

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