By Ashish

Yoga Poses for Cervical Spondylosis

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By slowly turning the head from side to side, this pose can reduce stiffness and increase the range of motion in the cervical spine. It's a helpful stretch to maintain neck mobility and alleviate discomfort.

Neck Rotation

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The sitting half spinal twist or ardha-matsyendriasana provides flexibility to the neck and spine muscles and enhances their strength. It is a sitting posture that contributes to the elasticity of the spine and hence is good to relieve tension around neck muscles.

Half Lord Fishes Pose

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This backbend stretches the entire front of the body, including the neck and throat. It may help alleviate discomfort associated with cervical spondylosis, but it should be practiced with caution and proper technique.

Camel Pose

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This pose is a great way to reenergize your spine after sitting all day. It syncs head and spine movement to release tight neck muscles and reduce strain. Enhancing flexibility, it aids cervical spondylosis patients by strengthening their neck and relieving stress.

Cat-Cow Pose

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Cobra pose is very useful for neck and spinal problems. The cobra posture eases neck, spine, and shoulder stiffness, which lessens the intensity of cervical spondylosis discomfort.  It also improves posture and lengthens the spine.

Cobra Pose

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The bridge pose strengthens your back muscles and relieves the tension from the back and neck instantly. It gives a gentle stretch to the neck, improving its functions and relaxing the stress in the neck region. Your chest, neck, and spine are stretched in this impactful stance.

Bridge Pose

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Dhanurasana, the bow pose, stretches the spine, opens the shoulder blades, and boosts spine flexibility to relieve stress. It also strengthens and expands the shoulders, prevents hunched posture, and provides a soothing neck massage through head placement.

Bow Pose

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This pose helps stretch and lengthen the spine, providing relief to the neck and upper back muscles. Maintain a gentle approach to avoid overstretching.

Puppy Pose

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Before attempting these poses, it's crucial to consult a yoga instructor or healthcare professional, especially if you have cervical spondylosis, to ensure that the poses are suitable for your condition and to learn proper alignment and technique to prevent injury.

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