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Yoga Poses to Find Relief from Chronic Pain

Sphinx Pose (Salamba Bhujangasana) is beneficial for chronic pain as it helps strengthen the spine, open the chest, and alleviate lower back discomfort while promoting improved posture and spinal alignment.

Sphinx Pose

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Child's Pose (Balasana) is beneficial for chronic pain as it gently stretches the back, hips, and shoulders while promoting relaxation and releasing tension in the body.

Child Pose

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Supine Spinal Twist (Supta Matsyendrasana) works on chronic pain by gently stretching and releasing tension in the back, hips, and spine, providing relief and promoting relaxation in the affected areas.

Supine Spinal Twist

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Supported Fish Pose (Matsyasana) is effective for chronic pain as it opens the chest, stretches the upper back and shoulders, and promotes relaxation, relieving tension and discomfort in those areas.

Supported Fish Pose

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Cat-Cow Pose (Marjaryasana/Bitilasana) helps with chronic pain by promoting spinal flexibility, stretching the back and neck muscles, and improving overall mobility, providing relief and reducing discomfort.

Cat-Cow Pose

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Downward Facing Dog Pose) helps with chronic pain by stretching and strengthening the entire body, particularly the back, shoulders, and hamstrings, while promoting improved posture and providing relief from tension and discomfort.

Downward Facing Dog Pose

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Standing Forward Bend Pose (Uttanasana) helps with chronic pain by elongating the spine, releasing tension in the hamstrings and lower back, improving blood circulation, and promoting a sense of relaxation and relief.

Standing Forward Bend Pose

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Standing Extended Triangle Pose (Utthita Trikonasana) helps with chronic pain by stretching and strengthening the legs, hips, and spine, promoting improved posture, flexibility, and relieving discomfort in those areas.

Extended Triangle Pose

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Yoga  Mudras For Body Pain