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7 Bedtime Yoga Poses to Reduce Insomnia

This gentle twist releases tension in the spine and lower back, improving overall relaxation and aiding in the release of physical and mental stress that can interfere with sleep.

Supine Spinal Twist Pose

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By opening the chest and stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system, Bridge Pose can help reduce anxiety and tension, facilitating a peaceful and deep sleep.

Bridge Pose

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By opening the chest and hips, this pose relaxes the body, relieves stress, and supports deep breathing, helping to induce a state of relaxation and prepare for restful sleep.

Reclining Bound Angle Pose

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By elevating the legs, this pose encourages blood flow and relaxation, relieving stress and promoting a sense of calm conducive to better sleep.

Legs-Up-The-Wall Pose

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This calming pose helps release tension in the back, shoulders, and neck, promoting deep relaxation and easing anxiety, making it easier to fall asleep

Child Pose

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Stand tall with your feet hip-width apart, arms relaxed by your sides. Lengthen your spine, engage your core, and take deep breaths as you ground through your feet.

Butterfly Pose

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The ultimate relaxation pose, Savasana helps calm the mind and release physical tension, promoting a state of deep relaxation and allowing for a more restful sleep.

Corpse Pose

Pic Credit: Canva

Best Yoga Mudras for Sleep