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8 Yoga Poses for Better Balance

Balancing on one leg, extend the other leg and torso parallel to the ground, creating a "T" shape. Warrior III enhances core strength, tones the back and leg muscles, and improves overall body balance.

Warrior 3 Pose

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Balance on one leg while reaching the opposite hand back to hold the foot, arching the torso forward and the other arm reaching forward. Dancer's Pose stretches the shoulders and quadriceps, improves balance, and opens the chest and hips.

Dancer Pose

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Balance on one leg and hold the big toe of the opposite foot, extending the leg forward. This pose improves leg strength, stretches the hamstrings, and enhances balance and focus.

 Hand to Big Toe Pose

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Balance on one leg while extending the opposite leg and arm toward the sky, forming a half-moon shape. Half Moon Pose strengthens the legs, core, and glutes while enhancing coordination and opening the hips.

Half Moon Pose

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Balance on one hand while stacking the feet or modifying with one foot on the ground, creating a side plank position. Side Plank strengthens the arms, obliques, and legs, improving balance and coordination.

Side Plank Pose

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In this advanced arm balance, balance the body on the hands with the torso parallel to the ground. Peacock Pose strengthens the wrists, arms, and core while stimulating digestion and detoxification.

Peacock Pose

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This arm balance requires placing the knees on the upper arms and lifting the feet off the ground. Crow Pose enhances upper body strength, builds core stability, and cultivates focus and courage.

Crow Pose

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Balance on the hands with the legs extended to the sides, resembling a firefly's wings. Firefly Pose improves wrist strength, tones the core and inner thighs, and enhances overall body control.

Firefly Yoga Pose

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