By Ashish

Yoga Exercises for Tinnitus Relief

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As the name suggests, this pose stretches your spine to maintain balanced pressure in your ears. Karnapidasana will also aid in mending damaged auditory nerves. This pose also helps with rejuvenating ear fluids and warding off ear infections.

Ear Pressure Pose

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Bhramari Pranayama involves closing your ears with your fingers and producing a humming sound during exhalation. This gentle humming can provide relief from the constant ringing in the ears.

Bhramari Pranayama

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This pranayama practice promotes balance and reduces stress. Sit in a comfortable position, use your thumb and ring finger to alternate closing your nostrils, and breathe deeply.

Nadi Shodhan Pranayama

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Makarasana relaxes ear nerves and restores ear balance. The crocodile pose clears ear canals, reducing blockages like ear fluids and wax, while its calming nature helps with tinnitus-related frustration.

Crocodile Pose

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Fish Pose stretches the neck and throat, potentially reducing tension and discomfort associated with tinnitus. Lie on your back, lift your chest, and arch your back while keeping the crown of your head on the mat.

Fish Pose

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Bhujangasana improves your nervous functions, including hearing, by stretching and opening each vertebra in your spine. This not only increases spine flexibility but also enhances your nervous network's efficiency, benefiting your cognition.

Cobra Pose

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Ustrasana can help alleviate neck and shoulder tension, which can be connected to tinnitus. Kneel with your thighs perpendicular to the floor and gently arch your back while reaching for your heels.

Camel Pose

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This inversion pose can improve blood circulation to the head and ears, potentially reducing tinnitus symptoms. Lie on your back with your legs up against a wall, creating a 90-degree angle with your body.

Viparita Karani 

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