By Ashish

Yoga Asanas to Reduce Bad Cholesterol

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Sarvangasana enhances blood circulation to the thyroid gland, which can regulate metabolism and support cholesterol management. This pose also stimulates the abdominal organs and can contribute to improved digestion, potentially aiding in maintaining healthy cholesterol levels.


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Chakrasana (Wheel Pose): Chakrasana involves a deep backbend that stretches the chest and opens the heart, promoting better circulation and potentially aiding in reducing low cholesterol levels.


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Shalabhasana (Locust Pose): Shalabhasana involves lifting the legs and upper body off the ground, which strengthens the lower back, improves digestion, and stimulates the abdominal organs, potentially helping to manage and reduce low cholesterol levels.


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Ustrasana (Camel Pose): This heart-opening pose can help improve circulation and potentially contribute to managing cholesterol levels. By opening up the chest and stretching the front of the body, Ustrasana may stimulate the cardiovascular system and enhance blood flow, which could aid in maintaining healthy cholesterol levels.


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This twisting pose massages the abdominal organs, aiding in digestion and potentially helping to regulate cholesterol levels. The gentle compression on the digestive organs combined with the twist can stimulate their functioning, promoting better metabolism and potentially supporting lower cholesterol levels.

Ardha Matsyendrasana

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This calming pose can contribute to stress reduction, which indirectly may support healthy cholesterol levels. By gently stretching the spine and hamstrings, Paschimottanasana encourages relaxation and improved blood flow, potentially aiding in maintaining optimal cardiovascular health.


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Triangle Pose engages the core, stimulates the abdominal organs, and supports digestion, which can indirectly impact cholesterol management.


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