By Ashish

8 Sitting Yoga Pose for Weight Loss

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Folding forward from the hips in this pose stretches the spine and  engages the abdominal muscles, promoting digestion and toning the core.  It encourages mindfulness and may contribute to weight management by  fostering awareness of bodily sensations.

Seated Forward Bend

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By balancing on the sitting bones and extending the legs, Boat Pose  targets the core muscles, enhancing strength and metabolism. It also  improves posture and may indirectly support weight loss by promoting an  overall sense of well-being.

Boat Pose

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Despite being a seated variation, Chair Pose activates the leg muscles  and engages the core. Regular practice can build lower body strength and  increase calorie burn, contributing to weight management goals.

Chair Pose

Pic Credit: Shutterstock

This seated twist stimulates the abdominal organs, aiding digestion and  promoting detoxification. While not a vigorous exercise, it supports a  healthy digestive system, which is crucial for weight management.

Half Lord Fishes Pose

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Cow Face Pose stretches the shoulders and chest, enhancing upper body  flexibility. While not a high-calorie burner, this pose contributes to  an overall sense of well-being, supporting a holistic approach to weight  management.

Cow Face Pose

Pic Credit: Shutterstock

Squatting in Garland Pose engages the lower body muscles and promotes  hip flexibility. This grounding pose encourages mindful eating habits  and may contribute to weight management by promoting overall physical  activity.

Garland Pose

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Sitting on the heels in Thunderbolt Pose aids digestion and can be  therapeutic for the digestive system. Improved digestion supports weight  management by ensuring efficient nutrient absorption and waste  elimination.

Thunderbolt Pose

Pic Credit: Shutterstock

Camel Pose (Ustrasana) is effective for weight loss as it is a deep  backbend that engages and strengthens the core muscles, promoting  abdominal toning and improved metabolism.

Camel Pose

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